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Recumbent folding in the Upper Cretaceous Eaux‐Chaudes massif: A Helvetic‐type nappe in the Pyrenees?

Recumbent folding in the Upper Cretaceous Eaux‐Chaudes massif: A Helvetic‐type nappe in the Pyrenees?

Caldera, N, Teixell, A, Griera, A, Labaume, P, Lahfid, A. Recumbent folding in the Upper Cretaceous Eaux‐Chaudes massif: A Helvetic‐type nappe in the Pyrenees?. Terra Nova. 2021; 00: 1– 0

keywords: Pyrenean orogeny, Recumbent fold nappe, RSCM paleothermometry, Hinterland tectonics, Ductile deformation

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/ter.12517

PhD Thesis: Post-orogenic sediment flux to continental margins: Miocene erosion and sediment yield from the Pyrenees

PhD Thesis: Post-orogenic sediment flux to continental margins: Miocene erosion and sediment yield from the Pyrenees

Thomas Bernard. Post-orogenic sediment flux to continental margins: Miocene erosion and sediment yield from the Pyrenees. University of Edinburgh, 2019.

keywords: Central Pyrenees; Exhumation; Post-orogenic; Foreland basin rebound; Landscape numerical modelling, Topographic analyses


PhD Thesis: Tomographie des Pyrénées par corrélation de bruit d’ordre supérieur. Application multi-échelle.

PhD Thesis: Tomographie des Pyrénées par corrélation de bruit d’ordre supérieur. Application multi-échelle.

Jacques Brives. Tomographie des Pyrénées par corrélation de bruit d’ordre supérieur. Application multi-échelle. Sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers et de l’Environnement, Université Grenoble, Alpes, 2020.

keywords:  Sismologie, Tomographie, Pyrénées, Bruit ambiant, Ondes de surface, Maupasacq

DOI: https://www.theses.fr/s164288

Géodynamique de la Méditerranée occidentale : une série de bassins d’arrière-arc dans un environnement montagneux.

Géodynamique de la Méditerranée occidentale : une série de bassins d’arrière-arc dans un environnement montagneux.

Jolivet, L., Romagny, A., Augier, R., Bessière, E., Do Couto, D., Gorini, C., Caroir, F., & Suc, J.-P. (2019). Géodynamique de la Méditerranée occidentale : une série de bassins d’arrière-arc dans un environnement montagneux. Géochronique, 149, 20-26.

keywords: Western Mediterranean, Plate reconstructions, Slab retreat, Transfer zones, Exhumation, Weak crust.

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Detailed tectonic reconstructions of the Western Mediterranean region for the last 35 Ma, insights on driving mechanisms.

Detailed tectonic reconstructions of the Western Mediterranean region for the last 35 Ma, insights on driving mechanisms.

Romagny, A., Jolivet, L., Menant, A., Bessière, E., Maillard, A., Canva, A., Thinon, I., 2020. Detailed tectonic reconstructions of the Western Mediterranean region for the last 35 Ma, insights on driving mechanisms. BSGF-Earth Sciences Bulletin 191, 37,.

keywords: Western Mediterranean, plate reconstructions, slab retreat, transfer zones, exhumation, weak crust

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/bsgf/2020040

PhD Thesis: Imagerie haute résolution des structures lithosphériques par inversion de formes d’ondes P télésismiques courte période

PhD Thesis: Imagerie haute résolution des structures lithosphériques par inversion de formes d’ondes P télésismiques courte période.

Yi Wang. Imagerie haute résolution des structures lithosphériques par inversion de formes d’ondes P télésismiques courte période. Sciences de la terre et des planètes solides, Université de Toulouse. 2017.

keywords:  Inversion de forme d’ondes, Tomographie sismique, Imagerie par réseau régional, Ondes P télésismiques, Orogène, Tomographie sismique, Équations d’onde

DOI: https://www.theses.fr/2017TOU30018

Review of Iberia-Eurasia plate-boundary basins: Role of sedimentary burial on depth-dependent continental crust ductile thinning during rifting and continental breakup.

Review of Iberia-Eurasia plate-boundary basins: Role of sedimentary burial on depth-dependent continental crust ductile thinning during rifting and continental breakup.

N. Saspiturry, B. Issautier, P. Razin, T. Baudin, R. Asti, Y. Lagabrielle, C. Allanic, O. Serrano, (2021), Review of Iberia-Eurasia plate-boundary basins: Role of sedimentary burial on depth-dependent continental crust ductile thinning during rifting and continental breakup. Basin Research. 

keywords: Iberian-European boundary; Sedimentary burial; Salt tectonics; Depth-dependent thinning; Ductile regime; HT/LP metamorphism

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/bre.12529

Pre‐orogenic upper crustal softening by lower greenschist‐facies metamorphic reactions in granites of the central Pyrenees

Pre‐orogenic upper crustal softening by lower greenschist‐facies metamorphic reactions in granites of the central Pyrenees

Airaghi, L., Bellahsen, N., Dubacq, B., Chew, D., Rosenberg, C., Janots, E., Waldner, M. and Magnin, V. (2020). Pre-orogenic upper crustal softening by lower greenschist facies metamorphic reactions in granites of the central Pyrenees. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 38(2), 183-204.

keywords: Axial Zone, Bielsa, chlorite–white mica thermobarometry, mylonites, U–Th/Pb anatase–titanite–monazite dating

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jmg.12520

A review of Cretaceous smooth-slopes-extensional basins along the Iberia-Eurasia plate boundary: how prerift salt controls the modes of continental rifting and mantle exhumation.

A review of Cretaceous smooth-slopes-extensional basins along the Iberia-Eurasia plate boundary: how prerift salt controls the modes of continental rifting and mantle exhumation.

Y. Lagabrielle, R. Asti, T. Duretz, C. Clerc, S. Fourcade, A. Teixell, P. Labaume, B. Corre, N. Saspiturry, (2020), A review of Cretaceous smooth-slopes-extensional basins along the Iberia-Eurasia plate boundary: how prerift salt controls the modes of continental rifting and mantle exhumation. Earth Science Review. 

keywords: Smooth-slopes basins; symmetrical profile; Iberia; Eurasia; Triassic evaporites; décollement layer; thermal anomaly; sedimentary burial; dominating-ductile tectonic regime

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.103071

Large-scale vertical movements in Cenomanian to Santonian carbonate platform in Iberia: Markers of Coniacian initiation of Pyrenean convergence?

Large-scale vertical movements in Cenomanian to Santonian carbonate platform in Iberia: Markers of Coniacian initiation of Pyrenean convergence?

Andrieu, S., Saspiturry, N., Lartiguau, M., Issautier, B., Angrand, P., lasseur, E. (2020): Large-scale vertical movements in Cenomanian to Santonian carbonate plateform in Iberia: Markers of Coniacian initiation of Pyrenean convergence?. BSGF OROGEN Sp. Issue.

Stratigraphy in Palaeocene continental sedimentary succession of the Northern Pyrenean Basin (Corbières, southern France) using δ13Corg isotopes.

Stratigraphy in Palaeocene continental sedimentary succession of the Northern Pyrenean Basin (Corbières, southern France) using δ13Corg isotopes.

Maufrangeas A., Leleu S., Loisy C., Roperch P., Jolley D., Vinciguerra C., Nguyen-Thuyet O. (2020). Stratigraphy in Palaeocene continental sedimentary succession of the Northern Pyrenean Basin (Corbières, southern France) using δ13Corg isotopes. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 177, 752-765.

keywords:  Continental succession, δ13Corg isotopes, Northern Pyrenean Basin

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2019-084

A reconstruction of Iberia accounting for Western Tethys/N-Atlantic kinematics since the late Permian-Triassic

A reconstruction of Iberia accounting for Western Tethys/N-Atlantic kinematics since the late Permian-Triassic

Angrand, P., Mouthereau, F., Masini, E., Asti, R. (2020). A reconstruction of Iberia accounting for W-Tethys/N-Atlantic kinematics since the late Permian-Triassic. Solid Earth, European Geosciences Union, inPress, ⟨10.5194/se-2020-24⟩. ⟨insu-02865944⟩

keywords:  plate kinematics, Iberia, Mesozoic Cenozoic, Geodynamics, Ebro block, Central Iberian Range, Pyrenees

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.5194/se-2020-24

Probing depth and lateral variations of upper-mantle seismic anisotropy from full-waveform inversion of teleseismic body-waves 

Probing depth and lateral variations of upper-mantle seismic anisotropy from full-waveform inversion of teleseismic body-waves 

Beller, S. and Chevrot, S. (2020). Probing depth and lateral variations of upper-mantle seismic anisotropy from full-waveform inversion of teleseismic body-waves, Geophysical Journal International, 222, 352-387

keywords: Anisotropy, Full-waveform inversion, Lithosphere, Teleseismic dat

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggaa069

Post-orogenic sediment drape of mountain ranges: An example from the Northern Pyrenees explained using a box model

Post-orogenic sediment drape of mountain ranges: An example from the Northern Pyrenees explained using a box model

Bernard, T., Naylor, M., Christophoul, F., Ford, M. (2020) : Post-orogenic sediment drape in the Northern Pyrenees explained using a box model.

keywords: isostatic rebound, post‐orogenic, foreland sediment influx, continental sedimentation

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/bre.12457

Unravelling the architecture and multi-stage evolution of the inverted North Iberian-Bay of Biscay rift

Unravelling the architecture and multi-stage evolution of the inverted North Iberian-Bay of Biscay rift

Cadenas, P., Manatschal, G., and Fernández-Viejo, G. (2020). Unravelling the architecture and multi-stage evolution of the inverted North Iberian-Bay of Biscay rift. Gondwana Research, 88, 67-87.

keywords:  Multi-stage extension, rift system, strike-slip, hyperextension, compressional reactivation, 3D structural segmentation

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2020.06.026

Tectono‐stratigraphic and thermal evolution of the western Betic flysch: implications for the geodynamics of South Iberian margin and Alboran Domain

Tectono‐stratigraphic and thermal evolution of the western Betic flysch: implications for the geodynamics of South Iberian margin and Alboran Domain

Daudet, M., Mouthereau, F., Brichau, S., Crespo‐Blanc, A., Gautheron, C., Angrand, P. (2020). Tectono‐stratigraphic and thermal evolution of the western Betic flysch: implications for the geodynamics of South Iberian margin and Alboran Domain Tectonics 39(7)
keywords:  plate kinematics, Iberia, Mesozoic Cenozoic, subduction, Marocco, Rif
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2020tc006093

The structure of the Central-Eastern External Rif (Morocco); Poly-phased deformation and role of the under-thrusting of the North-West African paleo-margin

The structure of the Central-Eastern External Rif (Morocco); Poly-phased deformation and role of the under-thrusting of the North-West African paleo-margin

Gimeno-Vives, O., Frizon de Lamotte, D., Leprêtre, R., Haissen, F., Atouabat, A., & Mohn, G.(2020). The structure of the Central-Eastern External Rif (Morocco); Poly-phased deformation and role of the under-thrusting of the North-West African paleo-margin. Earth-Science Reviews, 103198.

keywords:  « Rif, Jurassic, North-West African paleo-margin under-thrusting, External Rif structure, Thermochronology »

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103198

Reply to comment by Michard et al. on « The Mesozoic Margin of the Maghrebian Tethys in the Rif Belt (Morocco): Evidence for Polyphase Rifting and Related Magmatic Activity »

Reply to comment by Michard et al. on « The Mesozoic Margin of the Maghrebian Tethys in the Rif Belt (Morocco): Evidence for Polyphase Rifting and Related Magmatic Activity »

Gimeno‐Vives, O., Mohn, G., Bosse, V., Haissen, F., Zaghloul, M. N., Atouabat, A., & Frizon de Lamotte, D. (2020). Reply to comment by Michard et al. on “The Mesozoic Margin of the Maghrebian Tethys in the Rif Belt (Morocco): Evidence for Polyphase Rifting and Related Magmatic Activity”. Tectonics, 39(4), e2020TC006165.

keywords:  « Rif, Jurassic, North-West African paleo-margin under-thrusting, External Rif structure, Thermochronology »

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Role of structural inheritance and salt tectonics in the formation of pseudosymmetric continental rifts on the european margin of the hyperextended Mauléon basin (Early Cretaceous Arzacq and Tartas Basins)

Role of structural inheritance and salt tectonics in the formation of pseudosymmetric continental rifts on the european margin of the hyperextended Mauléon basin (Early Cretaceous Arzacq and Tartas Basins)

Issautier, B., Saspiturry N., & Serrano, O. (2020). Role of structural inheritance and salt tectonics in the formation of pseudosymmetric continental rifts on the european margin of the hyperextended Mauléon basin (Early Cretaceous Arzacq and Tartas Basins). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 104395. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104395

keywords:  Rifting, Symmetric basin, Salt tectonic, Inheritance, Early cretaceous, Southwest France

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104395

Modes of Propagation of Continental breakup and associated oblique rift structures.

Modes of Propagation of Continental breakup and associated oblique rift structures.

Jourdon, A., Le Pourhiet, L., Mouthereau, F., May, D. (2020). Modes of Propagation of Continental breakup and associated oblique rift structures. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125.

keywords: Geodynamics, Ridge propagation, Plate tectonics, 3D thermo‐mechanical, numerical modelling, Transform margins, Oceanic propagators

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JB019906

Topographic and tectonic evolution of mountain belts controlled by salt thickness and rift architecture.

Topographic and tectonic evolution of mountain belts controlled by salt thickness and rift architecture.

Jourdon, A., Mouthereau F., Le Pourhiet L., Callot J.-P. (2020) Topographic and tectonic evolution of mountain belts controlled by salt thickness and rift architecture. Tectonics, 39.

keywords: numerical modeling, salt tectonics, extension, compression, Pyrenees, lithospheric deformation

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2019TC005903

A review of cretaceous smooth-slopes extensional basins along the Iberia-Eurasia plate boundary: How pre-rift salt controls the modes of continental rifting and mantle exhumation

A review of cretaceous smooth-slopes extensional basins along the Iberia-Eurasia plate boundary: How pre-rift salt controls the modes of continental rifting and mantle exhumation

Lagabrielle, Y., Asti, R., Duretz, T., Clerc, C., Fourcade, S., Teixell, A., … & Saspiturry, N. (2020). A review of cretaceous smooth-slopes extensional basins along the Iberia-Eurasia plate boundary: How pre-rift salt controls the modes of continental rifting and mantle exhumation. Earth-Science Reviews, 201, 103071.

keywords: Smooth-slopes basins, Symmetrical profile, Iberia, Eurasia, Triassic evaporites, Décollement layer, Thermal anomaly, Sedimentary burial, Dominating-ductile tectonic regime

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.103071

Post-orogenic exhumation in the western Pyrenees: evidence for extension driven by pre-orogenic inheritance.

Post-orogenic exhumation in the western Pyrenees: evidence for extension driven by pre-orogenic inheritance.

Fillon, C., Mouthereau, F., Calassou S., Pik, R., Bellahsen, N., Gautheron, C., Stockli, D., Brichau, S., Daril, N., Mouchené, M., van der Beek, P. (2020). Post-orogenic exhumation in the western Pyrenees: evidence for extension driven by pre-orogenic inheritance. Geological Society, London. 10.1144/jgs2020-079

keywords:  Post-orogenic, thermochronology, mountain belt, Pyrenees, Aquitaine basin

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2020-079

Eikonal tomography from coherent noise surface wave fields extracted by iterative matched filtering – Application to the large-N Maupasacq array 

Eikonal tomography from coherent noise surface wave fields extracted by iterative matched filtering – Application to the large-N Maupasacq array 

Lehujeur, M., & Chevrot, S. (2020). Eikonal Tomography Using Coherent Surface Waves Extracted From Ambient Noise by Iterative Matched Filtering—Application to the Large-N Maupasacq Array. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125 (6), e2020JB019363.

keywords: eikonal tomography, ambient noise tomography, surface waves, large‐N arrays

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JB019363

Role of rift-inheritance and segmentation for orogenic architecture: example from the Pyrenean-Cantabrian system

Role of rift-inheritance and segmentation for orogenic architecture: example from the Pyrenean-Cantabrian system

Lescoutre, R. & Manatschal, G. (2020). Role of rift-inheritance and segmentation for orogenic evolution: example from the Pyrenean-Cantabrian system, BSGF – Earth Sciences Bulletin 191: 18. https://doi.org/10.1051/bsgf/2020021

keywords: Pyrenees, Mauléon, Basque Cantabrian belt, Rift inheritances, strain partitioning, soft transfer zone, Pamplona fault inversion, non-cylindricity

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/bsgf/2020021

Transfer zones and associated volcanic province in the eastern Valencia Basin: Evidence for a hot rifted margin?

Transfer zones and associated volcanic province in the eastern Valencia Basin: Evidence for a hot rifted margin?

Maillard, A., Jolivet, L., Lofi, J., Thinon, I., Couëffé, R., Canva, A., & Dofal, A. (2020). Transfer zones and associated volcanic province in the eastern Valencia Basin: Evidence for a hot rifted margin?. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 104419.

keywords: Transfer zones, Northwestern mediterranean basins, Crust, Moho, Shear zones, Domes

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104419

Three dimensional gravity anomaly inversion in the Pyrenees using compressional seismic velocity model as structural similarity constraints.

Three dimensional gravity anomaly inversion in the Pyrenees using compressional seismic velocity model as structural similarity constraints.

Martin, R., Giraud, J., Ogarko, V., Chevrot, S., Beller, S., Gégout, P. & Jessell, M. (2020). Three dimensional gravity anomaly inversion in the Pyrenees using compressional seismic velocity model as structural similarity constraints.Geophysical Journal International, ggaa414.

keywords: Gravity Modelling, Data inversion, Seismic correlation and constraints, Computational geophysics, Numerical modelling

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggaa414

A case of ampferer-type subduction and consequences for the alps and the Pyrenees 

A case of ampferer-type subduction and consequences for the alps and the Pyrenees

McCarthy, A., Tugend, J., Mohn, G., Candioti, L., Chelle-Michou, C., Arculus, R., Schmalholz, S., M., Müntener, O. (2020) : A case of ampferer-type subduction and consequences for the alps and the Pyrenees. American Journal of Science 320(April):313-372.

keywords: Ampferer-type subduction, Benioff-type subduction, Alps, Pyrenees, rift basins, amagmatic subduction initiation

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.2475/04.2020.01

Earthquake-based passive seismic exploration techniques

Earthquake-based passive seismic exploration techniques

Polychronopoulou, K., Lois, A., Martakis, N., Calassou, S., & Draganov, D. (2019). Earthquake-based passive seismic exploration techniques. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2019 (pp. 5393-5397). Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

keywords: passive seismic, local earthquake tomography, reflected-wave passive seismic interferometry

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1190/segam2019-w21-04.1

Closure of a hyperextended system in an orogenic lithospheric pop‐up, Western Pyrenees: The role of mantle buttressing and rift structural inheritance

Closure of a hyperextended system in an orogenic lithospheric pop‐up, Western Pyrenees: The role of mantle buttressing and rift structural inheritance

Saspiturry, N., Allanic, C., Razin, P., Issautier, B., Baudin, T., Lasseur, E., … & Leleu, S. (2020). Closure of a hyperextended system in an orogenic lithospheric pop‐up, Western Pyrenees: The role of mantle buttressing and rift structural inheritance. Terra Nova.

keywords: Mauléon, inheritance, inversion, mantle, pop-up, Cretaceous, Labourd anomaly

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/ter.12457

Paleogeothermal Gradients across an Inverted Hyperextended Rift System: Example of the Mauléon Fossil Rift (Western Pyrenees)

Paleogeothermal Gradients across an Inverted Hyperextended Rift System: Example of the Mauléon Fossil Rift (Western Pyrenees)

Saspiturry, N., Lahfid, A., Baudin, T., Guillou‐Frottier, L., Razin, P., Issautier, B., … & Corre, B. (2020). Paleogeothermal Gradients across an Inverted Hyperextended Rift System: Example of the Mauléon Fossil Rift (Western Pyrenees). Tectonics, 39(10).

keywords: paleogeothermal gradients, RSCM thermometry, hyperextended rift, thermal history, Mauléon basin, Pyrenees

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2020TC006206

PhD Thesis: Reconstruction of paleo-drainages of early peri-orogenic basins (Late Cretaceous-Palaeocene) from fluvial deposits in the eastern Pyrenean system.

PhD Thesis: Reconstruction of paleo-drainages of early peri-orogenic basins (Late Cretaceous-Palaeocene) from fluvial deposits in the eastern Pyrenean system.

Constance Vinciguerra. Reconstruction des paléo-drainages des bassins précoces péri-orogéniques (Crétacé terminal-Paléocène) à partir des dépôts fluviatiles dans le système pyrénéen oriental. Sciences de la Terre. Université Michel de Montaigne – Bordeaux III, 2020. Français. NNT : 2020BOR30001. tel-02902243

keywords: Continental sedimentation, Basin architecture, Drainage reconstruction, Sediment sourcing, Chemo-stratigraphy

How do continents deform during mantle exhumation? Insights from the northern Iberia inverted paleopassive margin, western Pyrenees (France).

How do continents deform during mantle exhumation? Insights from the northern Iberia inverted paleopassive margin, western Pyrenees (France).

Asti, R., Lagabrielle, Y., Fourcade, S., Corre, B., & Monié, P. (2019). How do continents deform during mantle exhumation? Insights from the northern Iberia inverted paleopassive margin, western Pyrenees (France). Tectonics, 38, 1666–1693.

keywords:  mantle exhumation, Pyrenees, hyperextension, passive margins

DOI: https://doi. org/10.1029/2018TC005428

Shortening of the axial zone, pyrenees: Shortening sequence, upper crustal mylonites and crustal strength 

Shortening of the axial zone, pyrenees: Shortening sequence, upper crustal mylonites and crustal strength

Bellahsen, N., Bayet, L., Denele, Y., Waldner, M., Airaghi, L., Rosenberg, C.,… & Vacherat, A. (2019). Shortening of the axial zone, Pyrenees: Shortening sequence, upper crustal mylonites and crustal strength. Tectonophysics, 766, 433–452.

keywords:  collision, rheology, Pyrenees, basement, greenschist

DOI: https://doi. org/10.1016/j.tecto.2019.06.002

Lithological control on the post-orogenic topography and erosion history of the Pyrenees 

Lithological control on the post-orogenic topography and erosion history of the Pyrenees

Bernard, T., Sinclair, H. D., Gailleton, B., Mudd, S. M., & Ford, M. (2019). Lithological control on the post‐orogenic topography and erosion history of the Pyrenees. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

keywords:  Pyrenees, channel steepness, rock strength, thermal histories, landscape evolution, exhumation

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2019.04.034

PhD Thesis: Évolution géodynamique des Zones Internes des Cordillères Bétiques (Andalousie, Espagne) : Apports d’une étude pluridisciplinaire du Complexe Alpujárride.

PhD Thesis: Évolution géodynamique des Zones Internes des Cordillères Bétiques (Andalousie, Espagne) : Apports d’une étude pluridisciplinaire du Complexe Alpujárride.

Eloïse Bessière. Évolution géodynamique des Zones Internes des Cordillères Bétiques (Andalousie, Espagne) : Apports d’une étude pluridisciplinaire du Complexe Alpujárride. Sciences de la Terre. Université d’Orléans, 2019. Français. ⟨tel-02392008⟩

keywords:  Rift inheritances, métamorphisme HP/BT, exhumation , hyper-extension, datations 40Ar/39Ar, RSCM, Dorsale Calcaire, Péridotite Ronda, Cordillères Bétiques, Complexe Alpujárride

The Catalan magnetic anomaly: Its significance for the crustal structure of the Gulf of Lion passive margin and relationship to the Catalan transfer zone 

The Catalan magnetic anomaly: Its significance for the crustal structure of the Gulf of Lion passive margin and relationship to the Catalan transfer zone 

Canva, A., Thinon, I., Peyrefitte, A., Coueffe, R., Maillard, A., Jolivet, L., Martelet, G., Lacquement, F., Guennoc, P. (2019). The Catalan magnetic anomaly: Its significance for the crustal structure of the Gulf of Lion passive margin and relationship to the Catalan transfer zone. Marine and Petroleum Geology.

keywords:  geodynamics, mafic magma underplating, rifting, East Pyrenees

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.104174 

PhD Thesis: Étude tectonique, pétrographique et géochimique de la zone de transition subduction-collision à Taïwan: Rôle de l’héritage et de l’obliquité de la convergence

PhD Thesis: Étude tectonique, pétrographique et géochimique de la zone de transition subduction-collision à Taïwan: Rôle de l’héritage et de l’obliquité de la convergence

Clément Conand. Étude tectonique, pétrographique et géochimique de la zone de transition subduction-collision à Taïwan: Rôle de l’héritage et de l’obliquité de la convergence. Géochimie. Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse 3), 2019. Français. ⟨tel-02868590⟩

keywords:  Taïwan, Collision oblique, Orogene, Trans-tension, Trans-pression, Metamorphisme, Spectroscopie raman, Initiation de la collision

HAL: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-02868590/document 

Strain partitioning and exhumation in oblique Taiwan collision: role of rift architecture and plate kinematics

Strain partitioning and exhumation in oblique Taiwan collision: role of rift architecture and plate kinematics

Conand, C., Mouthereau, F., Ganne, J., Lin, A. T. S., Lahfid, A., Daudet, M., … & Bonzani, M. (2020). Strain partitioning and exhumation in oblique Taiwan collision: role of rift architecture and plate kinematics. Tectonics, 39(4).

keywords:  Taiwan, oblique collision, strain partitioning, transcurrent deformation, metamorphism, Raman spectroscopy

HAL: https://doi.org/10.1029/2019TC005798 

Formation of the Iberian‐European Convergent Plate Boundary Fault and Its Effect on Intraplate Deformation in Central Europe

Formation of the Iberian‐European Convergent Plate Boundary Fault and Its Effect on Intraplate Deformation in Central Europe

Dielforder, A., Frasca, G., Brune, S. & Ford, M. (2019): Formation of the Iberian- European Convergent Plate Boundary Fault and Its Effect on Intraplate Deformation in Central Europe. AGU.

keywords:  intraplate deformation, orogeny, plate boundary fault, plate coupling force, Pyrenees, lithosphere dynamics

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2018GC007840

The Nappe des Marbres unit of the Basque‐Cantabrian Basin: the tectono‐thermal evolution of a fossil hyperextended rift basin.

The Nappe des Marbres unit of the Basque‐Cantabrian Basin: the tectono‐thermal evolution of a fossil hyperextended rift basin.

Ducoux, M., Jolivet, L., Callot, J-P., Lahfid, A., Aubourg, C. et al. (2019). The Nappe des Marbres unit of the Basque‐Cantabrian Basin: the tectono‐thermal evolution of a fossil hyperextended rift basin. Tectonics, American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2019, 38 (11), pp.3881-3915. ⟨insu-02288781⟩

keywords:  Pyrenean Belt, Eastern Basque‐Cantabrian Basin, structure, metamorphism, RSCM method, salt tectonics, Hyperextended Rift Basin

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2018TC005348

Numerical modelling of Cretaceous Pyrenean Rifting: The interaction between mantle exhumation and syn‐rift salt tectonics 

Numerical modelling of Cretaceous Pyrenean Rifting: The interaction between mantle exhumation and syn‐rift salt tectonics

Duretz, T., Asti, R., Lagabrielle, Y., Brun, J-P., Jourdon, A.. (2019).Numerical modelling of Cretaceous Pyrenean Rifting: The interaction between mantle exhumation
and syn-rift salt tectonics. Basin Res. 2020;32: 652–667.

keywords:  North Pyrenean rifting, numerical modeling, décollement, syn-rift salt tectonics, mantle exhumation, high temperature metamorphism

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/bre.12389

The role of serpentinization and magmatism in the formation of decoupling interfaces at magma-poor rifted margins 

The role of serpentinization and magmatism in the formation of decoupling interfaces at magma-poor rifted margins

Gillard, M., Tugend, J., Müntener, O., Manatschal, G., Karner, G.,D., Autin, J., Sauter, D., Figueredo, P., H., Ulrich, M. (2019). The role of serpentinization and magmatism in the formation of decoupling interfaces at magma-poor rifted margins. Earth-Science Reviews, Elsevier, 2019, 196, pp.102882.

keywords:  magma-poor margins, Serpentinization, Decoupling, Seismic, interpretation

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.102882

The Mesozoic Margin of the Maghrebian Tethys in the Rif Belt (Morocco): Evidence for Polyphase Rifting and Related Magmatic Activity 

The Mesozoic Margin of the Maghrebian Tethys in the Rif Belt (Morocco): Evidence for Polyphase Rifting and Related Magmatic Activity 

Gimeno‐Vives, O., Mohn, G., Bosse, V., Haissen, F., Zaghloul, M. N., Atouabat, A., & Frizon de Lamotte, D. (2019). The Mesozoic Margin of the Maghrebian Tethys in the Rif Belt (Morocco): Evidence for Polyphase Rifting and Related Magmatic Activity. Tectonics. 38.

keywords:  Maghrebian Tethys, Poly‐phased rift, Rif

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2019TC005508

Role of rift structural inheritance in orogeny highlighted by the Western Pyrenees case-study 

Role of rift structural inheritance in orogeny highlighted by the Western Pyrenees case-study

Gómez-Romeu, J., Masini, E., Tugend, J., Ducoux, M., Kusznir, N. (2019). Role of rift structural inheritance in orogeny highlighted by the Western Pyrenees case-study. Tectonophysics, Elsevier, 2019, 766, pp.131-150.

keywords:  Western Pyrenees, Rift structural inheritance, Flexural isostatically and structurally balanced cross-section

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2019.05.022

Géodynamique de la Méditerranée

Géodynamique de la Méditerranée

Jolivet, L., Romagny, A., & Menant, A. (2019). Géodynamique de la Méditerranée. Géochronique, 149, 14-19.

Fast dismantling of a mountain belt by mantle flow: late-orogenic evolution of Pyrenees and Liguro-Provençal rifting 

Fast dismantling of a mountain belt by mantle flow: late-orogenic evolution of Pyrenees and Liguro-Provençal rifting

Jolivet, L., Romagny, A., Gorini, C., Maillard, A., Thinon, I., et al.. (2019) Fast dismantling of a mountain belt by mantle flow: Late-orogenic evolution of Pyrenees and LiguroProvençalrifting. Tectonophysics, Elsevier, 2020, 776, pp.228312.

keywords:  Gulf of Lion, Pyrenees Rifting, Exhumation, Lower crust, Asthenospheric flow, Slab retreat, Back-arc extension

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2019.228312

Role of rift maturity on the architecture and shortening distribution in mountain belts

Role of rift maturity on the architecture and shortening distribution in mountain belts

Jourdon, A., Le Pourhiet, L., Mouthereau, F., Masini, E. (2019) Role of rift maturity on the architecture and shortening distribution in mountain belts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 512, 89-99.

keywords:  rifting, collision, numerical modelling, Pyrenees, structural inheritance

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2019.01.057

Mantle exhumation at magma-poor passive continental margins. Part II: Tectonic and metasomatic evolution of large-displacement detachment faults preserved in a fossil distal margin domain (Saraillé lherzolites, northwestern Pyrenees, France)

Mantle exhumation at magma-poor passive continental margins. Part II: Tectonic and metasomatic evolution of large-displacement detachment faults preserved in a fossil distal margin domain (Saraillé lherzolites, northwestern Pyrenees, France)

Lagabrielle, Y., Asti, R., Fourcade, S., Corre, B., Labaume, P., Uzel, J., … & Picazo, S. (2019). Mantle exhumation at magma-poor passive continental margins. Part II: Tectonic and metasomatic evolution of large-displacement detachment faults preserved in a fossil distal margin domain (Saraillé lherzolites, northwestern Pyrenees, France). Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 190(1).

keywords:  North Pyrenean Zone, Saraillé, mantle exhumation, fluid-rock interactions, talc-chlorite schists, greenschist facies, detachment faults, mid-Late Cretaceous

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/bsgf/2019013

Mantle exhumation at magma-poor passive continental margins. Part I. 3D architecture and metasomatic evolution of a fossil exhumed mantle domain (Urdach lherzolite, north-western Pyrenees, France)  

Mantle exhumation at magma-poor passive continental margins. Part I. 3D architecture and metasomatic evolution of a fossil exhumed mantle domain (Urdach lherzolite, north-western Pyrenees, France)

Lagabrielle, Y., Asti, R., Fourcade, S., Corre, B., Labaume, P., Uzel, J., … & Picazo, S. (2019) Mantle exhumation at magma-poor passive continental margins. Part I. 3D architecture and metasomatic evolution of a fossil exhumed mantle domain (Urdach lherzolite, north-western Pyrenees, France) ; BSGF Earth Sciences Bulletin 2019, 190, 8

keywords:  North Pyrenean Zone, Urdach, mantle exhumation, fluid-rock interactions, listvenites, greenschist facies, detachment faults, Late Cretaceous

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1051/bsgf/2019007

PhD Thesis: Formation et réactivation du système de rift pyrénéo-cantabrique : héritage, segmentation et évolution thermique

PhD Thesis: Formation et réactivation du système de rift pyrénéo-cantabrique : héritage, segmentation et évolution thermique

Lescoutre, Rodolphe. Formation et réactivation du système de rift pyrénéo-cantabrique : héritage, segmentation et évolution thermique. Sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers. Université de Strasbourg

keywords:  Rift inheritance, Segmentation, Reactivation, Pyrénées, Thermal evolution, Hyper-extension, Rifts, Tectonics

DOI: https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2019/Lescoutre_Rodolphe_2019_ED413.pdf

Thermal evolution of asymmetric hyperextended magma-poor rift systems: results from numerical modelling and Pyrenean field observations.

Thermal evolution of asymmetric hyperextended magma-poor rift systems: results from numerical modelling and Pyrenean field observations.

Lescoutre, R., Tugend, J., Brune, S., Masini, E. & Manatschal, G. (2019)
Thermal evolution of asymmetric hyperextended magma-poor rift systems: results from numerical modelling and Pyrenean field observations. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 20(1)

keywords:  Thermal evolution, Asymmetric rifting, Numerical model, Field analogue, Pyrenees, Heat flow

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GC008600

PhD Thesis: Évolution du contenu détritique sédimentaire au cours d’un cycle orogénique.

PhD Thesis: Évolution du contenu détritique sédimentaire au cours d’un cycle orogénique.

Juliette Rat. Évolution du contenu détritique sédimentaire au cours d’un cycle orogénique. Sciences de la Terre. Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier (UT3 Paul Sabatier), 2019. Français. ⟨tel-02167789

keywords: Ibérie, Thermochronologie, Cycle alpin, Bassin sédimentaire, Sources to Sink

DOI: https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-02167789/document

Tectonothermal Evolution of the Cameros Basin: Implications for Tectonics of North Iberia

Tectonothermal Evolution of the Cameros Basin: Implications for Tectonics of North Iberia

Rat, J., Mouthereau, F., Brichau, S., Crémades, A., Bernet, M., Balvay, M., Ganne, J., Lahfid, A., Gautheron, C. (2019). Tectonothermal Evolution of the Cameros Basin: Implications for Tectonics of North Iberia Tectonics 40(3), 327.

keywords: Cameros basin, Iberian‐Europe plate boundary, rift‐collision cycles, Ebro basin, low‐temperature thermochronology, rift thermal imprint

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2018tc005294

PhD Thesis: Évolution sédimentaire, structurale et thermique d’un rift hyper-aminci : de l’héritage post-hercynien à l’inversion alpine : exemple du bassin de Mauléon (Pyrénées)

PhD Thesis: Évolution sédimentaire, structurale et thermique d’un rift hyper-aminci : de l’héritage post-hercynien à l’inversion alpine : exemple du bassin de Mauléon (Pyrénées)

Nicolas Saspiturry. Évolution sédimentaire, structurale et thermique d’un rift hyper-aminci : de l’héritage post-hercynien à l’inversion alpine : exemple du bassin de Mauléon (Pyrénées). Sciences de la Terre. Université Michel de Montaigne – Bordeaux III, 2019. Français. ⟨NNT : 2019BOR30040⟩. ⟨tel-02860515⟩

keywords: Pyrénées, Bassin de Mauléon, Géodynamique, Héritage post-hercynien, Hyper-extension crétacée, Inversion alpine, Zones de transfert, Métamorphisme HT/BP, Évolution thermique

DOI: https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-02860515/document

Tectono-sedimentary evolution of a rift system controlled by Permian postorogenic extension and metamorphic core complex formation (Bidarray Basin and Ursuya dome, Western Pyrenees) 

Tectono-sedimentary evolution of a rift system controlled by Permian postorogenic extension and metamorphic core complex formation (Bidarray Basin and Ursuya dome, Western Pyrenees) 

Saspiturry, N., Cochelin, B., Razina, P., Leleu, S., Lemirre, B., Bouscarya, C. Issautier, B., Serrano, O., Lasseur, E., Baudin, T., Allanic, C. (2019).Tectono-sedimentary evolution of a rift system controlled by Permian post-orogenic extension and metamorphic core complex formation (Bidarray Basin and Ursuya dome, Western Pyrenees). Tectonophysics, Elsevier, 2019, 768, pp.228180.

keywords: Post-orogenic rift, Permian, Metamorphic core complex, Detachment, Granulites, Continental deposits

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2019.228180

Symmetry vs. asymmetry of a hyper-thinned rift: Example of the Mauléon Basin (Western Pyrenees, France) 

Symmetry vs. asymmetry of a hyper-thinned rift: Example of the Mauléon Basin (Western Pyrenees, France)

Saspiturry, N., Razin, P., Baudin, T., Serrano, O., Issautier, B., Lasseur, E., Allanic, C., Thinon, I. & Leleu, S. (2019) Symmetry vs. asymmetry of a hyper-thinned rift: Example of the Mauleon Basin (Western Pyrenees, France). Marine and Petroleum Geology, Elsevier, 2019, 104, pp.86-105.

keywords: Continental Margins, Stratigraphic Architecture, Hyper-Extended Rift, Pyrenees, Detachment Faulting, Mauleon Basin, Early Cretaceous

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.03.031

PhD Thesis: Reconstruction de la dynamique précoce d’un orogène – Mise en évidence de la transition rift-collision dans le système est-pyrénéen (France) par la géo-thermochronologie

PhD Thesis: Reconstruction de la dynamique précoce d’un orogène – Mise en évidence de la transition rift-collision dans le système est-pyrénéen (France) par la géo-thermochronologie

Ternois, S.. Reconstruction de la dynamique précoce d’un orogène – Mise en évidence de la transition rift-collision dans le système est-pyrénéen (France) par la géo-thermochronologie. Sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers, environnement. CRPG-CNRS Université de Lorraine

keywords: Pyrénées, Orogène collisionnel, Rétro-prisme précoce, Rétro-bassin d’avant-pays précoce, Transition rifting-collision, Héritage, Provenance sédimentaire, Géo-thermochronologie, (U-Th)/He, U/Pb, Zircon, Ablation laser, Datation in situ, Pyrenees, Collisional orogen, Early retro-wedge, Early retro-foreland basin, Rift-to-collision transition, Inheritance, Sedimentary provenance, Geo-thermochronology, (U-Th)/He, U/Pb, Zircon, Laser ablation, In situ dating, 551.7, 551.82

DOI: https://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/DDOC_T_2019_0086_TERNOIS.pdf

PhD Thesis: Cinématique et thermicité du prisme orogénique des Pyrénées : nouvelles données géo-thermochronologiques de la Zone Axiale

PhD Thesis: Cinématique et thermicité du prisme orogénique des Pyrénées : nouvelles données géo-thermochronologiques de la Zone Axiale

Maxime Waldner. Cinématique et thermicité du prisme orogénique des Pyrénées : nouvelles données géo-thermochronologiques de la Zone Axiale. Sciences de la terre. Sorbonne université

keywords: Pyrenees, Thermal inverse modeling, Sequential restoration, Collision, Methodology, K-Ar in situ

Télécharger le document

The non-cylindrical crustal architecture of the Pyrenees. 

The non-cylindrical crustal architecture of the Pyrenees. 

Chevrot, S., Sylvander, M., Diaz, J., Martin, R., Mouthereau, F., Manatschal, G., … & Ruiz, M. (2018). The non-cylindrical crustal architecture of the Pyrenees. Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group, 2018, 8, pp.9591. 10.1038/s41598-018-27889-x

keywords: Seismic, tomography, continental subduction, iberia, rift inheritance

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-27889-x

Mapping the crustal structure beneath the eastern Pyrenees

Mapping the crustal structure beneath the eastern Pyrenees

Diaz, J., Vergés, J., Chevrot, S., Antonio-Vigil, A., Ruiz, M., Sylvander, M., & Gallart, J. (2018). Mapping the crustal structure beneath the eastern Pyrenees. Tectonophysics, 744, 296-309.

keywords: Crustal structure beneath eastern Pyrenees, Receiver function stacked sections, Local events modelling, Geological interpretation of the results, Eastward limit of the crustal imbrication

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2018.07.011

Broadband, short-period or geophone nodes? Quality assessment of Passive Seismic signals acquired during the Maupasacq experiment

Broadband, short-period or geophone nodes? Quality assessment of Passive Seismic signals acquired during the Maupasacq experiment

Polychronopoulou, K., Lois, A., Martakis, N., Chevrot, S., Sylvander, M., Diaz, J., … & Bitri, A. (2018). Broadband, short-period or geophone nodes? Quality assessment of Passive Seismic signals acquired during the Maupasacq experiment. First Break, 36(4), 71-76.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3997/1365-2397.n0085

PhD Thesis: Structure, thermicité et évolution géodynamique de la Zone Interne Métamorphique des Pyrénées.

PhD Thesis: Structure, thermicité et évolution géodynamique de la Zone Interne Métamorphique des Pyrénées.

Maxime Ducoux. Structure, thermicité et évolution géodynamique de la Zone Interne Métamorphique des Pyrénées. Sciences de la Terre. Université d’Orléans, 2017. Français. ⟨NNT : 2017ORLE2026⟩. ⟨tel-01887025⟩

keywords: Pyrenees, Structural study, HT-LP metamorphism, Raman thermometry, Thrust tectonics, Geodynamic model, Salt tectonics, Inheritance

DOI: https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01887025/document

A high-order 3-D spectral-element method for the forward modelling and inversion of gravimetric data—Application to the western Pyrenees 

A high-order 3-D spectral-element method for the forward modelling and inversion of gravimetric data—Application to the western Pyrenees

Martin, R., Chevrot, S., Komatitsch, D., Seoane, L., Spangenberg, H., Wang, Y., S., Dufrechou, G., Bonvalot, S., & Bruinsma, S. (2017). A high-order 3-D spectral-element method for the forward modelling and inversion of gravimetric data—Application to the western Pyrenees. Geophysical Journal International, Volume 209, Issue 1, 1 April 2017, Pages 406–424,

keywords: gravity inversion, spectral element, Nafe-Drake, crust structure

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggx010

Drainage reorganization and divide migration induced by the excavation of the Ebro basin 1(NE Spain)

Drainage reorganization and divide migration induced by the excavation of the Ebro basin 1(NE Spain)

Vacherat, A., Bonnet, S., Mouthereau, F. (2017): Drainage reorganization and divide migration induced by the excavation of the Ebro basin 1(NE Spain). Earth Surf. Dynam. Discuss.

keywords: Source to sink, drainage, rivers dynamics, Ebro, Duero, Tertiary, Quaternary

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/esurf-2017-53

Moho topography beneath the Iberian-Western Mediterranean region mapped from controlled-source and natural seismicity surveys.

Moho topography beneath the Iberian-Western Mediterranean region mapped from controlled-source and natural seismicity surveys.

Diaz, J., Gallart, J. & Carbonell, R., 2016. Moho topography beneath the Iberian-Western Mediterranean region mapped from controlled-source and natural seismicity surveys. Tectonophysics, 692, 74-85. Tectonophysics, Volume 692, pp. 74-85

keywords: tomography, Pyrenees, passive seismic

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2016.08.023

The deep roots of the western Pyrenees revealed by full waveform inversion of teleseismic P waves.

The deep roots of the western Pyrenees revealed by full waveform inversion of teleseismic P waves.

Wang, Y., Chevrot, S., Monteiller, V., Komatitsch, D., Mouthereau, F. & Manatschal, G., et al. (2016). The deep roots of the western Pyrenees revealed by full waveform inversion of teleseismic P waves. Geology, 44(6), 475-478.

keywords: Passive seismic, Iberia, France, crust

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1130/G37812.1


Lower Cretaceous inversion of the European Variscan basement: record from the Vendée and Limousin (France).

Lower Cretaceous inversion of the European Variscan basement: record from the Vendée and Limousin (France).

François, T., Barbarand, J. & Wyns, R. Lower Cretaceous inversion of the European Variscan basement: record from the Vendée and Limousin (France). Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) 109, 1837–1852 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-020-01875-z

keywords:  Sediment routing, Geochronology, Low temperature, thermochronology, Corbières region

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-020-01875-z

PhD Thesis: Géométries crustales, évolution paléogéographique et histoire de l’accumulation terrigène des bassins de la marge passive du Craton Guyanais.

PhD Thesis: Géométries crustales, évolution paléogéographique et histoire de l’accumulation terrigène des bassins de la marge passive du Craton Guyanais.

Artiom Loparev. Géométries crustales, évolution paléogéographique et histoire de l’accumulation terrigène des bassins de la marge passive du Craton Guyanais. Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier, 2020

keywords:  rifting diachrone, marge passive, bilan d’accumulation terrigène, érosion cratonique, paléo-géographie, géodynamique

Sediment routing system and sink preservation during the post-orogenic evolution of a retro-foreland basin: The case example of the North Pyrenean (Aquitaine, Bay of Biscay) Basins.

Sediment routing system and sink preservation during the post-orogenic evolution of a retro-foreland basin: The case example of the North Pyrenean (Aquitaine, Bay of Biscay) Basins.

Ortiz, A., Guillocheau, F., Lasseur, E., Briais, J., Robin, C., Serrano, O., Fillon, C.. (2020) Sediment routing system and sink preservation during the post-orogenic evolution of a retro-foreland basin: The case example of the North Pyrenean (Aquitaine, Bay of Biscay) Basins. Marine and Petroleum Geology, Elsevier, 2020, 112, pp.104085. ⟨10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.104085⟩.

keywords:  Foreland, Post-orogenic, Sediment routing, Sink, Pyrenees, Aquitaine Basin, Bay of Biscay Basin

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.104085 

Fluvial incisions in the North-Western Pyrenees (Aspe Valley): dissection of a former planation surface and some tectonic implications.

Fluvial incisions in the North-Western Pyrenees (Aspe Valley): dissection of a former planation surface and some tectonic implications.

Uzel, J., Nivière, B., Lagabrielle, Y. (2020). Fluvial incisions in the North-Western Pyrenees (Aspe Valley): dissection of a former planation surface and some tectonic implications. Terra Nova, 32, 11-22. DOI: 10.1111/ter.12431

keywords:  Erosion, HYDROLOGY, Geomorphology: general, Tectonics and landscape evolution, TECTONOPHYSICS, Tectonics and climatic interactions

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/ter.12431 

PhD Thesis: Géométries et bilan érosion-sédimentation d’un rétro-bassin d’avant-pays durant son évolution finie-orogénique et post-orogénique : le cas du système Pyrénées / bassin d’Aquitaine / golfe de Gascogne de 38 à 0 Ma.

PhD Thesis: Géométries et bilan érosion-sédimentation d’un rétro-bassin d’avant-pays durant son évolution finie-orogénique et post-orogénique : le cas du système Pyrénées / bassin d’Aquitaine / golfe de Gascogne de 38 à 0 Ma.

Alexandre Ortiz. Géométries et bilan érosion-sédimentation d’un rétro-bassin d’avant-pays durant son évolution finie-orogénique et post-orogénique : le cas du système Pyrénées / bassin d’Aquitaine / golfe de Gascogne de 38 à 0 Ma. Sciences de la Terre et de l’Environnement. Université de Rennes 1.

keywords: Aquitaine basin, Bay of Biscay, Post-Orogenic, Source-To-Sink, Stratigraphy

DOI: https://ged.univ-rennes1.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/d67d00ea-0ea6-40c1-a688-cda9058687fd?inline

PhD Thesis: Evolution morphotectonique post-compressive de la chaîne des Pyrénées : altération et démantèlement d’une surface d’aplanissement en cours de soulèvement

PhD Thesis: Evolution morphotectonique post-compressive de la chaîne des Pyrénées : altération et démantèlement d’une surface d’aplanissement en cours de soulèvement

Jessic Uzel. Evolution morphotectonique post-compressive de la chaîne des Pyrénées : altération et démantèlement d’une surface d’aplanissement en cours de soulèvement. Université de Rennes 1, 2019

keywords: Planation surface, Subtractive weathering, Ar/Ar dating, Tectonic geomorphology, InSAR, Pyrenees

DOI: https://ged.univ-rennes1.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/8ec2bf0a-f475-4dce-83cc-88c8e018da2a?inline


Native H2 exploration in the western Pyrenean foothills.

Native H2 exploration in the western Pyrenean foothills.

Lefeuvre, N., Truche, L., Donzé, F.-V., Ducoux, M., Barré, G., Fakoury, R.-A., Calassou, S. and Gaucher, E.C. (2021) Native H2 Exploration in the Western Pyrenean Foothills. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 22, e2021GC009917. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GC009917

keywords: Soil gas mapping for H2 targeting, Fertile area for H2 production, migration, Multiple gas analysis

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GC009917

The diagenetic history of the giant Lacq gas field, witness to the apto-albian rifting and the Pyrenean orogeny, revealed by fluid and basin modeling.

The diagenetic history of the giant Lacq gas field, witness to the apto-albian rifting and the Pyrenean orogeny, revealed by fluid and basin modeling.

Elias Bahnan, A., Pironon, J., Carpentier, C., Barré, G. and Gaucher, E.C. (2021) The diagenetic history of the giant Lacq gas field, witness to the apto-albian rifting and the Pyrenean orogeny, revealed by fluid and basin modeling. Marine and Petroleum Geology 133, 105250.

keywords: Lacq petroleum system, Aquitaine basin, Fluid inclusion modeling, Basin modeling, Sulfur-rich fluid system, TSR

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105250

Epigenic vs. hypogenic speleogenesis governed by H2S/CO2 hydrothermal input and Quaternary icefield dynamics (NE French Pyrenees).

Epigenic vs. hypogenic speleogenesis governed by H2S/CO2 hydrothermal input and Quaternary icefield dynamics (NE French Pyrenees).

Dimitri Laurent, Christophe Durlet, Guillaume Barré, Patrick Sorriaux, Philippe Audra, Pierre Cartigny, Cédric Carpentier, Guillaume Paris, Pauline Collon, Thomas Rigaudier, Jacques Pironon, Eric C. Gaucher. Epigenic vs. hypogenic speleogenesis governed by H2S/CO2 hydrothermal input and Quaternary icefield dynamics (NE French Pyrenees). Geomorphology 387 (2021) 107769

keywords: Hypogenic sulfuric and carbonic acid, speleogenesis, Multiple sulfur isotopes, Thermal water geochemistry, Pyrenees

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.107769

Migration of Natural Hydrogen from Deep-Seated Sources in the São Francisco Basin, Brazil.

Migration of Natural Hydrogen from Deep-Seated Sources in the São Francisco Basin, Brazil.

Frédéric-Victor Donzé, Laurent Truche, Parisa Shekari Namin, Nicolas Lefeuvre and Elena F. Bazarkina. Migration of Natural Hydrogen from Deep-Seated Sources in the São Francisco Basin, Brazil. Geosciences 2020, 10(9), 346

keywords: native hydrogen; H2 exploration; gas seeps; H2 venting; radiolysis; serpentinization; draining faults; intra-cratonic basin

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences10090346

Synsedimentary to early diagenetic rejuvenation of barite-sulfides ore deposits: Example of the Triassic intrakarstic mineralization in the Lodève basin (France)

Synsedimentary to early diagenetic rejuvenation of barite-sulfides ore deposits: Example of the Triassic intrakarstic mineralization in the Lodève basin (France).

Laurent, D., Lopez, M., Combes, P.-J., Guerrot, C., Spangenberg, J. E. & Gaucher, E. C.(2020) Synsedimentary to early diagenetic rejuvenation of barite-sulfides ore deposits: Example of the Triassic intrakarstic mineralization in the Lodève basin (France). Marine and Petroleum Geology 119.

keywords:  Karst, Ore deposit, Diagenetic barite, Playa lake, Sulfate reduction, Fluid inclusions, Sulfur and strontium isotopes

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104464

Rift and salt-related multi-phased dolomitization: example from the northwestern Pyrenees.

Rift and salt-related multi-phased dolomitization: example from the northwestern Pyrenees.

Motte, G., Hoareau, G., Callot, J.-P., Révillon, S., Piccoli, F., Calassou, S., Gaucher, E.C., Rift and salt-related multi-phased dolomitization: example from the northwestern Pyrenees, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 126-2021,

keywords: Carbonate diagenesis, Dolomite, Breccias, Hydrothermalism, U–Pb dating, Hyperextension, Salt tectonics, Jurassic

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.104932

A review of H2, CH4, and hydrocarbon formation in experimental serpentinization using network analysis.

A review of H2, CH4 and hydrocarbon formation in experimental serpentinization using network analysis.

Barbier, S., Huang, F., Andreani, M., Tao, R., Hao, J., Eleish, A., Prabhu, A., Minhas, O., Fontaine, K., Fox, P. & Daniel, I. (2020). A review of H2, CH4, and hydrocarbon formation in experimental serpentinization using network analysis. Frontiers in Earth Science.. Deep Carbon Science special issue. 16 June 2020.

keywords:  experimental serpentinization, hydrothermal, abiotic hydrogen, methane, data and network analysis

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2020.00209

Impact of geodynamics on fluid circulation and diagenesis of carbonate reservoirs in a foreland basin: Example of the Upper Lacq reservoir (Aquitaine basin, SW France).

Impact of geodynamics on fluid circulation and diagenesis of carbonate reservoirs in a foreland basin: Example of the Upper Lacq reservoir (Aquitaine basin, SW France).

Elias Bahnan, A., Carpentier, C., Pironon, J., Ford, M., Ducoux, M., Barré, G., Mangenot, X., Gaucher, E.C. (2020). Impact of geodynamics on fluid circulation and diagenesis of carbonate reservoirs in a foreland basin: Example of the Upper Lacq reservoir (Aquitaine basin, SW France), Marine and Petroleum Geology (2019).

keywords:Carbonate diagenesis, Pyrenees, Aquitaine foreland basin, Upper Lacq reservoirs, Fluid inclusions, Basin modeling, Dolomitization, Hydrothermal fluids

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.08.047

Direct U-Pb dating of carbonates from micron scale fsLA-ICPMS images using robust regression.

Direct U-Pb dating of carbonates from micron scale fsLA-ICPMS images using robust regression.

Hoareau, G. Claverie, F., Pecheyran, C., Paroissin, C. Grignard, P-A.,  Motte, G., Chailan, O., Girard, J-P. Direct U-Pb dating of carbonates from micron scale fsLA-ICPMS images using robust regression. Geochronology, 3, 67–87, 2021

keywords: U-Pb dating, Carbonates

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/gchron-3-67-2021

Micro-scale chemical and physical patterns in an interface of hydrothermal dolomitization reveals the governing transport mechanisms in nature: case of the Layens anticline, Pyrenees, France.

Micro-scale chemical and physical patterns in an interface of hydrothermal dolomitization reveals the governing transport mechanisms in nature: case of the Layens anticline, Pyrenees, France.

Centrella, S., Beaudoin, N.E., Derluyn, H., Motte, G., Lanari, P., Piccoli, F., Pecheyran, C., Callot, J.-P., (2020). Micro-scale chemical and physical patterns in an interface of hydrothermal dolomitization reveals the governing transport mechanisms in nature: case of the Layens anticline, Pyrenees, France. Sedimentology

keywords: Dolomitization, fluid–rock interaction, porosity, replacement, trace element

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/sed.12808

Dataset for H2, CH4 and organic compounds formation during experimental serpentinization

Dataset for H2, CH4 and organic compounds formation during experimental serpentinization

Huang, F., Barbier, S., Tao, R., Hao, J., Garcia del Real, P., Peuble, S., Merdith, A., Leichnig, V., Perrillat, J-P., Fontaine, K., Fox, P., Andreani, M. & Daniel, I. (2020). Dataset for H2, CH4 and organic compounds formation during experimental serpentinization. Geosci. Data J.. Special issue DCO. 3 September 2020;

keywords: abiotic hydrogen, abiotic methane, experimental serpentinization, hydrothermal

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/gdj3.105

Quaternary tectonic and climate changes at the origin of travertine and calcrete in the eastern Betics (Almería region, SE Spain).

Quaternary tectonic and climate changes at the origin of travertine and calcrete in the eastern Betics (Almería region, SE Spain).

Larrey, M., Mouthereau, F., Masini, E., Huyghe, D., Gaucher, E. C., Virgone, A. & Miegebielle, V. (2020) Quaternary tectonic and climate changes at the origin of travertine and calcrete in the eastern Betics (Almería region, SE Spain). Journal of the Geological Society, jgs2020-025.

keywords: eastern Betics, travertine, Calcrete, Hydrothermal Fluids, Tectonic

DOI: https://doi.org/10.2138/gselements.16.1.8

Effects of smectite dehydration and illitisation on overpressures in sedimentary basins: A coupled chemical and thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling approach.

Effects of smectite dehydration and illitisation on overpressures in sedimentary basins: A coupled chemical and thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling approach.

Tremosa, J., Gailhanou, H., Chiaberge, C., Castilla, R., Gaucher, E.C., Lassin, A., Gout, C., Fialips, C. & Claret, F. (2020). Effects of smectite dehydration and illitisation on overpressures in sedimentary basins: A coupled chemical and thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling approach, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2019).

keywords: overpressure, smectite, dehydration, fluid generation,
fluid pressure, THMC, Niger Delta

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.08.021

Hydrothermal fluid circulations in the western Pyrenees: new data on stable isotopes, in-situ gas analysis and fluid inclusions.

Hydrothermal fluid circulations in the western Pyrenees: new data on stable isotopes, in-situ gas analysis and fluid inclusions.

Barré, G., Elias Bahnan, A., Motte, G., Ducoux, M., Hoareau, G., Laurent, D., Gaucher, E.C. (2019) Hydrothermal fluid circulations in the western Pyrenees: new data on stable isotopes, in-situ gas analysis and fluid inclusions. E3S Web. Conf. 98, 4.

keywords:  Hydrothermal circulation, Western Pyrenees, H2S

DOI: https://doi:10.1051/e3sconf/20199801001

Thermodynamic evidence of giant salt deposit formation by serpentinization: an alternative mechanism to solar evaporation.

Thermodynamic evidence of giant salt deposit formation by serpentinization: an alternative mechanism to solar evaporation.

Debure, M., Lassin, A., Marty, N. C., Claret, F., Virgone, A., Calassou, S. & Gaucher, E. C. (2019). Thermodynamic evidence of giant salt deposit formation by serpentinization: an alternative mechanism to solar evaporation. Sci Rep 9, 11720.

keywords:  Salt Deposit, Serpentinization, Evaporites

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-48138-9 

PhD Thesis: Fluid circulation and diagenesis of the Lacq Petroleum System : Impact of the geodynamic evolution

PhD Thesis: Fluid circulation and diagenesis of the Lacq Petroleum System : Impact of the geodynamic evolution

Elias Bahnan, A. (2019). Fluid circulation and diagenesis of the Lacq Petroleum System : Impact of the geodynamic evolution. Geosciences. Université de Lorraine.

keywords:  Petrography, Geochemistry, Carbonate diagenesis, Fluid inclusions, Basin modeling

DOI: https://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/DDOC_T_2019_0221_ELIAS_BAHNAN.pdf 

Nature and Origin of Mineralizing Fluids in Hyperextensional Systems: The Case of Cretaceous Mg Metasomatism in the Pyrenees

Nature and Origin of Mineralizing Fluids in Hyperextensional Systems: The Case of Cretaceous Mg Metasomatism in the Pyrenees

Quesnel, B., Boiron, M.-C., Cathelineau, M., Truche, L., Rigaudier, T., Bardoux, G., Agrinier, P., de Saint Blanquat, M., Masini, E., Gaucher, E. C. (2019) Nature and origin of mineralizing fluids in hyperextensional systems: The case of cretaceous Mg metasomatism in the Pyrenees. Geofluids.

keywords:  Hydrothermal fluids, central Pyrenees, Talc, Dolomites, Mg-metasomatism

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/7213050 

Diagenesis in Mesozoic carbonate rocks in the North Pyrénées (France) from mineralogy and fluid inclusion analysis: Example of Rousse reservoir and caprock.

Diagenesis in Mesozoic carbonate rocks in the North Pyrénées (France) from mineralogy and fluid inclusion analysis: Example of Rousse reservoir and caprock.

Renard, S. & Pironon, Jacques & Sterpenich, Jérôme & Carpentier, Cédric & Lescanne, Marc & Gaucher, Eric. (2018). Diagenesis in Mesozoic carbonate rocks in the North Pyrénées (France) from mineralogy and fluid inclusion analysis: Example of Rousse reservoir and caprock. Chemical Geology.

keywords:  Rousse gas field, Diagenesis, Fluid inclusion, Fractured reservoir, Carbonates, Thermobarometry

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.06.017 

Cl/Br and δ37Cl evolution in seawater expelled during the compaction of MX-80 smectite.

Cl/Br and δ37Cl evolution in seawater expelled during the compaction of MX-80 smectite.

Strydom, J., Eggenkamp, H., Sterpenich, J., Agrinier, P., Richard, A., Grgic, D., Gaire, P., Mosser-Ruck, R. & Gaucher, E. C. (2019), Cl/Br and δ37Cl evolution in seawater expelled during the compaction of MX-80 smectite. E3S Web of Conferences Volume 98.

keywords:  Ultrafiltration, Br concentrations, Compacted clays, Compaction experiments, Diffuse double layers, Stable isotopes

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20199812022