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Investigating the sediment routing from mountain belts to passive margins
A Sediment-routing-system-scale vision to quantify and predict sediment transfers and deposition


In the  S2S  project, we use a combination of methodologies to bring quantifications on erosional, transfer and depositional processes such as seismic stratigraphy analysis, geomorphology, low-temperature thermochronology, geochronology, datation methods of weathering products, facies sedimentology and numerical modeling.


The project addresses several thematics:

  1. S2S peri-Pyrenees: Sediment routing system in an orogenic context, including the Pyrenees and its two forelands as well as the Bay of Biscay area;
  2. S2S Far-field: the geologic record of the stress transmission across the European plate linked to the orogenic wedge dynamics;
  3. S2S Guiana shield: Sediment routing system in the Guyana shield and its Atlantic margin;
  4. S2S new methodologies: New methodological constraints on weathering development.

These research axis aim at qualifying and quantifying the processes responsible of sediment transfers, whether they are of tectonic or climatic origin, in the framework of the Pyrenees-Aquitaine and the Guyana shield Source-to-Sink system.  With this approach, we bring keys to identify the causes of sediment transfers as well as elements of predictions on qualities and quantities of sediment exported from the Source to the Sink.

View project synthesis presented by Dr. Charlotte Fillon

© BRGM – J-Y Roig

© C Fillon

© BRGM – J-Y Roig

Our organisation

The S2S research project is a partnership between the BRGM (French geological survey) and Total S.A. R&D department with the strong involvement of academic institutes.

Sylvain Calassou
Charlotte Fillon
Eric Lasseur
Jean-Yves Roig
Cécile Gautheron
Sébastien Castelltort
Delphine Rouby
Massimo DallAsta
Robert Wins
Olivier Serrano

The Project is divided into 2 research blocks powered by 3 Academic scientific leaders:

S2S “compressive context” team deals with sediment routing system in the Pyrenean and West-european framework. Scientific lead is carried by Pr. Sebastien Castelltort (Univ. Genève), Eric Lasseur (BRGM) and Charlotte Fillon (Total). It implies 3 Phd students and 5 post-docs, located in Rennes, Paris-Saclay, Genève and Namur universities.

S2S “Guyane” team is developing a qualitative and quantitative S2S study of the Guiana shield and its Atlantic margin in the geodynamic framework of the South American plate. The scientific leaders are Delphine Rouby (GET Toulouse), Cécile Gautheron (Univ. Paris Saclay), Jean Yves Roig (BRGM) and Massimo D’all Asta (Total). 1 PhDs and 2 post-docs were involved in this project in Toulouse and Paris-Saclay universities.

Our team

S2S in compressive context


Scientific Coordinators

  • Sylvain Calassou (Total, project leader)
  • Eric Lasseur (BRGM, scientific coordinator and co-supervisor)
  • Sebastien Castelltort (Uni. Genève, scientific coordinator and supervisor)
  • Charlotte Fillon (Total, scientific coordinator and co-supervisor)

Researchers involved

  • Francois Guillocheau (Uni. Rennes, Supervisor)
  • Cécile Robin (Uni. Rennes, Supervisor)
  • Paul Bessin (Uni. Le Mans, co-supervisor)
  • Jocelyn Barbarand (Uni. Paris-Saclay , Supervisor)
  • Yves Lagabrielle (Uni. Rennes, Supervisor)
  • Nicolas Loget (Uni. Sorbonne Paris, co-supervisor)
  • Bertrand Nivière (Uni. Pau, co-supervisor)
  • Johan Yans (Uni. Namur, supervisor)
  • Sebastien Castelltort (Uni. Genève, scientific coordinator and supervisor)
  • Justine Briais (BRGM, co-supervisor)
  • Eric Lasseur (BRGM, scientific coordinator and co-supervisor)
  • Julien Baptiste (BRGM, co-supervisor)
  • Cécile Allanic (BRGM, co-supervisor)
  • Robert Wyns (BRGM, co-supervisor)
  • Charlotte Fillon (Total, scientific coordinator and co-supervisor)

PhDs and Post-docs

S2S Guyana shield


Scientific coordinators

  • Sylvain Calassou (Total, project leader)
  • Jean Yves Roig (BRGM, project leader and co-supervisor)
  • Delphine Rouby (Uni. Toulouse, scientific coordinator and supervisor)
  • Massimo D’all Asta (Total, scientific coordinator and co-supervisor)
  • Cécile Gautheron (Uni. Paris-Saclay, scientific coordinator and supervisor)
  • Charlotte Fillon (Total, scientific coordinator)

Researchers involved

  • Delphine Rouby (Uni. Toulouse, scientific coordinator and supervisor)
  • Cécile Gautheron (Uni. Paris-Saclay, scientific coordinator and supervisor)
  • Dominique Chardon (Uni. Toulouse, co-supervisor)
  • Jocelyn Barbarand (Uni. Paris-Saclay, Supervisor)
  • Fabien Paquet (BRGM, co-supervisor)
  • Renaud Coueffé (BRGM, co-supervisor)
  • Jean Yves Roig (BRGM, project leader and co-supervisor)
  • Massimo D’all Asta (Total, scientific coordinator and co-supervisor)

PhDs and Post-docs

© C Fillon


Lower Cretaceous inversion of the European Variscan basement: record from the Vendée and Limousin (France).

Lower Cretaceous inversion of the European Variscan basement: record from the Vendée and Limousin (France).

François, T., Barbarand, J. & Wyns, R. Lower Cretaceous inversion of the European Variscan basement: record from the Vendée and Limousin (France). Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) 109, 1837–1852 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-020-01875-z

keywords:  Sediment routing, Geochronology, Low temperature, thermochronology, Corbières region

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-020-01875-z

PhD Thesis: Géométries crustales, évolution paléogéographique et histoire de l’accumulation terrigène des bassins de la marge passive du Craton Guyanais.

PhD Thesis: Géométries crustales, évolution paléogéographique et histoire de l’accumulation terrigène des bassins de la marge passive du Craton Guyanais.

Artiom Loparev. Géométries crustales, évolution paléogéographique et histoire de l’accumulation terrigène des bassins de la marge passive du Craton Guyanais. Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier, 2020

keywords:  rifting diachrone, marge passive, bilan d’accumulation terrigène, érosion cratonique, paléo-géographie, géodynamique

Sediment routing system and sink preservation during the post-orogenic evolution of a retro-foreland basin: The case example of the North Pyrenean (Aquitaine, Bay of Biscay) Basins.

Sediment routing system and sink preservation during the post-orogenic evolution of a retro-foreland basin: The case example of the North Pyrenean (Aquitaine, Bay of Biscay) Basins.

Ortiz, A., Guillocheau, F., Lasseur, E., Briais, J., Robin, C., Serrano, O., Fillon, C.. (2020) Sediment routing system and sink preservation during the post-orogenic evolution of a retro-foreland basin: The case example of the North Pyrenean (Aquitaine, Bay of Biscay) Basins. Marine and Petroleum Geology, Elsevier, 2020, 112, pp.104085. ⟨10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.104085⟩.

keywords:  Foreland, Post-orogenic, Sediment routing, Sink, Pyrenees, Aquitaine Basin, Bay of Biscay Basin

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.104085 

Fluvial incisions in the North-Western Pyrenees (Aspe Valley): dissection of a former planation surface and some tectonic implications.

Fluvial incisions in the North-Western Pyrenees (Aspe Valley): dissection of a former planation surface and some tectonic implications.

Uzel, J., Nivière, B., Lagabrielle, Y. (2020). Fluvial incisions in the North-Western Pyrenees (Aspe Valley): dissection of a former planation surface and some tectonic implications. Terra Nova, 32, 11-22. DOI: 10.1111/ter.12431

keywords:  Erosion, HYDROLOGY, Geomorphology: general, Tectonics and landscape evolution, TECTONOPHYSICS, Tectonics and climatic interactions

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/ter.12431 

PhD Thesis: Géométries et bilan érosion-sédimentation d’un rétro-bassin d’avant-pays durant son évolution finie-orogénique et post-orogénique : le cas du système Pyrénées / bassin d’Aquitaine / golfe de Gascogne de 38 à 0 Ma.

PhD Thesis: Géométries et bilan érosion-sédimentation d’un rétro-bassin d’avant-pays durant son évolution finie-orogénique et post-orogénique : le cas du système Pyrénées / bassin d’Aquitaine / golfe de Gascogne de 38 à 0 Ma.

Alexandre Ortiz. Géométries et bilan érosion-sédimentation d’un rétro-bassin d’avant-pays durant son évolution finie-orogénique et post-orogénique : le cas du système Pyrénées / bassin d’Aquitaine / golfe de Gascogne de 38 à 0 Ma. Sciences de la Terre et de l’Environnement. Université de Rennes 1.

keywords: Aquitaine basin, Bay of Biscay, Post-Orogenic, Source-To-Sink, Stratigraphy

DOI: https://ged.univ-rennes1.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/d67d00ea-0ea6-40c1-a688-cda9058687fd?inline

PhD Thesis: Evolution morphotectonique post-compressive de la chaîne des Pyrénées : altération et démantèlement d’une surface d’aplanissement en cours de soulèvement

PhD Thesis: Evolution morphotectonique post-compressive de la chaîne des Pyrénées : altération et démantèlement d’une surface d’aplanissement en cours de soulèvement

Jessic Uzel. Evolution morphotectonique post-compressive de la chaîne des Pyrénées : altération et démantèlement d’une surface d’aplanissement en cours de soulèvement. Université de Rennes 1, 2019

keywords: Planation surface, Subtractive weathering, Ar/Ar dating, Tectonic geomorphology, InSAR, Pyrenees

DOI: https://ged.univ-rennes1.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/8ec2bf0a-f475-4dce-83cc-88c8e018da2a?inline