Geoffrey MOTTE
Case study from the Western Pyrenean Jurassic carbonate platform
Jean-Paul Callot and Guilhem Hoareau – Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA), France
Éric C. Gaucher – Total, CSTJF, Pau
Major Results
The multi-phased dolomitization of the northwestern Pyrenean carbonate platform is mainly controlled by rifting, combined with the presence of diapiric salt.

Rift and salt-related multi-phased dolomitization: example from the northwestern Pyrenees.
Rift and salt-related multi-phased dolomitization: example from the northwestern Pyrenees.
Motte, G., Hoareau, G., Callot, J.-P., Révillon, S., Piccoli, F., Calassou, S., Gaucher, E.C., Rift and salt-related multi-phased dolomitization: example from the northwestern Pyrenees, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 126-2021,
keywords: Carbonate diagenesis, Dolomite, Breccias, Hydrothermalism, U–Pb dating, Hyperextension, Salt tectonics, Jurassic
Direct U-Pb dating of carbonates from micron scale fsLA-ICPMS images using robust regression.
Direct U-Pb dating of carbonates from micron scale fsLA-ICPMS images using robust regression.
Hoareau, G. Claverie, F., Pecheyran, C., Paroissin, C. Grignard, P-A., Motte, G., Chailan, O., Girard, J-P. Direct U-Pb dating of carbonates from micron scale fsLA-ICPMS images using robust regression. Geochronology, 3, 67–87, 2021
keywords: U-Pb dating, Carbonates
Micro-scale chemical and physical patterns in an interface of hydrothermal dolomitization reveals the governing transport mechanisms in nature: case of the Layens anticline, Pyrenees, France.
Micro-scale chemical and physical patterns in an interface of hydrothermal dolomitization reveals the governing transport mechanisms in nature: case of the Layens anticline, Pyrenees, France.
Centrella, S., Beaudoin, N.E., Derluyn, H., Motte, G., Lanari, P., Piccoli, F., Pecheyran, C., Callot, J.-P., (2020). Micro-scale chemical and physical patterns in an interface of hydrothermal dolomitization reveals the governing transport mechanisms in nature: case of the Layens anticline, Pyrenees, France. Sedimentology
keywords: Dolomitization, fluid–rock interaction, porosity, replacement, trace element
Hydrothermal fluid circulations in the western Pyrenees: new data on stable isotopes, in-situ gas analysis and fluid inclusions.
Hydrothermal fluid circulations in the western Pyrenees: new data on stable isotopes, in-situ gas analysis and fluid inclusions.
Barré, G., Elias Bahnan, A., Motte, G., Ducoux, M., Hoareau, G., Laurent, D., Gaucher, E.C. (2019) Hydrothermal fluid circulations in the western Pyrenees: new data on stable isotopes, in-situ gas analysis and fluid inclusions. E3S Web. Conf. 98, 4.
keywords: Hydrothermal circulation, Western Pyrenees, H2S