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Block 3: Pre- to syn-collisional orogeny



The scientific challenge of Block 3 is to understand  early, syn- and post orogenic tectonic and sedimentary processes.

Three major stages are investigated:

  1. Pre-collisional convergence and the onset of orogenesis affecting former oceans  (i.e.  steady state subduction with arc and back arc dynamics), former passive margins and rifts,
  2. Syn-collisional dynamics dealing with lithospheric subduction and thickening, the dynamics of foreland basins with specific emphasis on pro- Vs retro-wedge settings, the evolution of source areas and sedimentation patterns in foreland basins,
  3. Late to post-collisional  dynamics and processes affecting erosion and sediment flux in orogens.


Block 3 uses a multi-disciplinary approach:

  • Field approach,
  • Subsurface data analysis and interpretation,
  • Plate kinematic modelling,
  • Low-temperature thermochronology (in-situ and detrital, both along outcrops and wells),
  • Magneto and isotopic stratigraphy (to correlate marine and continental deposits),
  • Numerical modelling.

Study cases

Most of the research of this block is focussing on the Alpine and Pyrenean orogens and their forelands.

View the results presented by Pr. Mary Ford.

Sequential laser-ablation double dating (U/He + U/Pb)
of single zircon grains (CRPG & GeoRessources – Nancy)
Fieldwork in the Corbières – 2015

Our team

The research team

Pr. Mary Ford from Université de Lorraine (Nancy, France) is the Principal Investigator of Block 3.
Research of Block 3 is fueled by 2 Post-Docs and 7 PhD projects hosted in Nancy, Bordeaux (France) and Edinburgh (UK) universities. In addition, 1 PhD from the Orogen Community is hosted in Barcelona University (Spain).


PhDs and Post-docs


Recumbent folding in the Upper Cretaceous Eaux‐Chaudes massif: A Helvetic‐type nappe in the Pyrenees?

Recumbent folding in the Upper Cretaceous Eaux‐Chaudes massif: A Helvetic‐type nappe in the Pyrenees?

Caldera, N, Teixell, A, Griera, A, Labaume, P, Lahfid, A. Recumbent folding in the Upper Cretaceous Eaux‐Chaudes massif: A Helvetic‐type nappe in the Pyrenees?. Terra Nova. 2021; 00: 1– 0

keywords: Pyrenean orogeny, Recumbent fold nappe, RSCM paleothermometry, Hinterland tectonics, Ductile deformation

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/ter.12517

PhD Thesis: Post-orogenic sediment flux to continental margins: Miocene erosion and sediment yield from the Pyrenees

PhD Thesis: Post-orogenic sediment flux to continental margins: Miocene erosion and sediment yield from the Pyrenees

Thomas Bernard. Post-orogenic sediment flux to continental margins: Miocene erosion and sediment yield from the Pyrenees. University of Edinburgh, 2019.

keywords: Central Pyrenees; Exhumation; Post-orogenic; Foreland basin rebound; Landscape numerical modelling, Topographic analyses


Stratigraphy in Palaeocene continental sedimentary succession of the Northern Pyrenean Basin (Corbières, southern France) using δ13Corg isotopes.

Stratigraphy in Palaeocene continental sedimentary succession of the Northern Pyrenean Basin (Corbières, southern France) using δ13Corg isotopes.

Maufrangeas A., Leleu S., Loisy C., Roperch P., Jolley D., Vinciguerra C., Nguyen-Thuyet O. (2020). Stratigraphy in Palaeocene continental sedimentary succession of the Northern Pyrenean Basin (Corbières, southern France) using δ13Corg isotopes. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 177, 752-765.

keywords:  Continental succession, δ13Corg isotopes, Northern Pyrenean Basin

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2019-084

Post-orogenic sediment drape of mountain ranges: An example from the Northern Pyrenees explained using a box model

Post-orogenic sediment drape of mountain ranges: An example from the Northern Pyrenees explained using a box model

Bernard, T., Naylor, M., Christophoul, F., Ford, M. (2020) : Post-orogenic sediment drape in the Northern Pyrenees explained using a box model.

keywords: isostatic rebound, post‐orogenic, foreland sediment influx, continental sedimentation

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/bre.12457

PhD Thesis: Reconstruction of paleo-drainages of early peri-orogenic basins (Late Cretaceous-Palaeocene) from fluvial deposits in the eastern Pyrenean system.

PhD Thesis: Reconstruction of paleo-drainages of early peri-orogenic basins (Late Cretaceous-Palaeocene) from fluvial deposits in the eastern Pyrenean system.

Constance Vinciguerra. Reconstruction des paléo-drainages des bassins précoces péri-orogéniques (Crétacé terminal-Paléocène) à partir des dépôts fluviatiles dans le système pyrénéen oriental. Sciences de la Terre. Université Michel de Montaigne – Bordeaux III, 2020. Français. NNT : 2020BOR30001. tel-02902243

keywords: Continental sedimentation, Basin architecture, Drainage reconstruction, Sediment sourcing, Chemo-stratigraphy

Lithological control on the post-orogenic topography and erosion history of the Pyrenees 

Lithological control on the post-orogenic topography and erosion history of the Pyrenees

Bernard, T., Sinclair, H. D., Gailleton, B., Mudd, S. M., & Ford, M. (2019). Lithological control on the post‐orogenic topography and erosion history of the Pyrenees. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

keywords:  Pyrenees, channel steepness, rock strength, thermal histories, landscape evolution, exhumation

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2019.04.034

Formation of the Iberian‐European Convergent Plate Boundary Fault and Its Effect on Intraplate Deformation in Central Europe

Formation of the Iberian‐European Convergent Plate Boundary Fault and Its Effect on Intraplate Deformation in Central Europe

Dielforder, A., Frasca, G., Brune, S. & Ford, M. (2019): Formation of the Iberian- European Convergent Plate Boundary Fault and Its Effect on Intraplate Deformation in Central Europe. AGU.

keywords:  intraplate deformation, orogeny, plate boundary fault, plate coupling force, Pyrenees, lithosphere dynamics

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2018GC007840

PhD Thesis: Reconstruction de la dynamique précoce d’un orogène – Mise en évidence de la transition rift-collision dans le système est-pyrénéen (France) par la géo-thermochronologie

PhD Thesis: Reconstruction de la dynamique précoce d’un orogène – Mise en évidence de la transition rift-collision dans le système est-pyrénéen (France) par la géo-thermochronologie

Ternois, S.. Reconstruction de la dynamique précoce d’un orogène – Mise en évidence de la transition rift-collision dans le système est-pyrénéen (France) par la géo-thermochronologie. Sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers, environnement. CRPG-CNRS Université de Lorraine

keywords: Pyrénées, Orogène collisionnel, Rétro-prisme précoce, Rétro-bassin d’avant-pays précoce, Transition rifting-collision, Héritage, Provenance sédimentaire, Géo-thermochronologie, (U-Th)/He, U/Pb, Zircon, Ablation laser, Datation in situ, Pyrenees, Collisional orogen, Early retro-wedge, Early retro-foreland basin, Rift-to-collision transition, Inheritance, Sedimentary provenance, Geo-thermochronology, (U-Th)/He, U/Pb, Zircon, Laser ablation, In situ dating, 551.7, 551.82

DOI: https://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/DDOC_T_2019_0086_TERNOIS.pdf