Patricia CADENAS
PD11-Lateral transition from subduction to collision: comparison of the North Iberian margin with world analogues
Gianreto Manatschal, University of Strasbourg-EOST-CNRS
Gabriela Fernández-Viejo, University of Oviedo, Spain
Major Results
This project have addressed the structure of multi-stage rift systems and their fate during subsequent compressional reactivation based on the study of the North Iberian margin. It has enabled to explain the present-day structure and evolution of the margin and the link between rift inheritance and along-strike structural variations within the Pyrenean-Cantabrian orogen.
The North Iberian margin shows three overlapped Mesozoic rift systems and a subsequent Alpine compressional overprint. Each rift systems is depicted by an overall crustal structure, basin architecture, bounding structures and age of syn-kinematic sequences (Cadenas et al., 2020). Inherited rift templates guided successive rift events, resulting into a complex 3D template, which conditioned the Alpine reactivation (Cadenas et al., 2020). Each rift system localized the compression distinctively. Within hyperextended rift systems, underthrusting of exhumed mantle and highly thinned crust occurred, with serpentinized mantle acting as a decoupling level.
The major thrusts at the backstop (e.g., the LDT) truncated inherited extensional detachments (e.g., the LDD), leading to overthrusting, tilting, and uplift of inherited basement blocks (e.g., the Le Danois Block) (Cadenas et al., in rev.). These thrusts developed shortcutting structures at rift segment terminations through overlapped rift segments, surrounding these crustal blocks. Overlapping of multi-stage rift systems and rift segmentation within the hyperextended North Iberian rift system may represent keystones to understand the structure of the Pyrenean-Cantabrian orogen (Cadenas et al., in prep.)

These sections shows the lateral variations along strike of the inverted inherited rifted Margin.
Unravelling the architecture and multi-stage evolution of the inverted North Iberian-Bay of Biscay rift
Unravelling the architecture and multi-stage evolution of the inverted North Iberian-Bay of Biscay rift
Cadenas, P., Manatschal, G., and Fernández-Viejo, G. (2020). Unravelling the architecture and multi-stage evolution of the inverted North Iberian-Bay of Biscay rift. Gondwana Research, 88, 67-87.
keywords: Multi-stage extension, rift system, strike-slip, hyperextension, compressional reactivation, 3D structural segmentation