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Objectives and deliverables
In an oil & gas company, when we are speaking about fluids, we are obviously thinking about hydrocarbons in liquid and gas phases. But numerous other fluids play an important role in the basin history and determine the chance to accumulate economic resources or not. Chemistry of groundwaters determine strongly the porosity and permeability of the reservoirs but also the sealing capacity of the caprocks. Waters can have various chemical properties determined by their origins (Marine, meteoric, surface, evaporitic brines, hydrothermal brines, hydrothermal diluted waters, deep mantellic waters, metamorphic waters…) and determined by the reactions with rocks, gas and organic matters. Non-hydrocarbon gases can also play a fundamental role as for example CO2, H2S, H2, N2, NH3… All these gases interacting with the rocks, waters and organic components of the geological systems. The fluids are also acting in the tectonic processes transmitting pressure until fracking of the rocks, reducing the friction in the thrusts and playing a role in the earthquakes.

Figure 1. Fluids in Foothills
Our Ambition
Our ambition in the fluids project has been to integrate the full story of the basin related fluids. For this purpose, 13 research operations have been launched since 2016.
Our playground is the Aquitaine Basin and the Pyrénées Foothills. We are trying to integrate strongly the sub-project “Fluids” to the “Orogen” sub-project. Orogen give the structural architecture and the geodynamic evolution of the zone where our fluids are reacting and are flowing.
Starting with the Lacq reservoirs a first action ((1) PhD Alexy Elias-Bahnan) is dedicated to the diagenesis of the deep Lacq and Upper Lacq rocks. Combined to this thesis, the post-doc of Guillaume Barré (2) aims at understanding the origin of gas in the reservoirs and in particular the origin of H2S. In parallel, a mapping of the gases exhaled at the surface, mainly along the major structural accidents, is performed by a PhD (Nicolas Lefeuvre (3)) Outcrops of the reservoirs rocks are accessible in the “Chainons Béarnais”, the PhD of Geoffrey Motte (4) will allow to understand the dolomitization processes in several tectono-sedimentary contexts.
Exceptional Syn-Rift mineralization (Talc, Dolomite) has also been studied in order to record the chemical and P/T conditions of this critical event (Post-doc of Benoit Quesnel (5).
During the burial of the sediments and the collision, fresh waters are expulsed from clay formations. The PhD of Jessica Strydom (6) experiments this water productions by mechanical experiments coupled to various thermal conditions. And one action with the French Geological survey (BRGM Joachim Trémosa/ Hélène Gailhanou) aims at to model numerically the water production during compaction and dehydration of clays (7).
The H2S production by Thermal Sulfate Reduction studied by Guillaume Barré can have a major consequence on the karstification due to the oxidation of this gas into sulfuric acid. Dimitri Laurent is studying this process during his post-doc (8).
The relatively high temperature of the hydrothermal springs manifests generally the contribution of deep fluids. The BRGM is in charge to characterize this type of waters in a collaboration leaded by Joachim Tremosa and Frédéric Gal (9). In our findings during this project, the presence of abiotic gases (CH4, H2) in some wells, close to the North Pyrenean Frontal Thrust (NPFT), was a surprise.
The production of hydrogen by serpentinization is not so well documented and the PhD of Camille Tichadou (10) is studying this process with pure Olivine and Pyrenean Ultrabasic Rocks. Camille Tichadou is also studying the petrology of these Ultrabasic Rocks. The serpentinization reaction is also catalyzed by the presence of some metals. Samuel Barbier (PhD) is studying these reactions (11).
The crystallization of serpentine minerals increases strongly the volume of the rocks and is supposed to increase strongly the hydraulic pressure contributing to the fracking of the rock and to the expulsion of the gases and brines. The PhD of Bruno Leclère experiments the crystallization pressure question (12).
Finally, with Dimitrios Rallakis (Post-Doc, 13), we are revisiting the hydrocarbons production in the Mauléon-Arzarcq basin integrating the thermicity history and the geological structure detailed in “Orogen” and our new understanding of the TSR.
Fluids Synthesis
View project results presented by Dr. Guillaume Barré
View project results presented by Dr. Marguerite Godard
View project results presented by Dr. Raymond Michels
View project results presented by Dr. Joachim Tremosa
View project Synthesis presented by Dr. Eric Gaucher

Fluorine from the Arbouet Carry

Dolomitization and Breccia; Mail Arrouy Outcrop
Our team
Team Leader
- Eric Gaucher TOTAL R&D
Scientific Advisors
- Marguerite Godard , Géosciences Montpellier
- Raymond Michels, CREGU-GeoRessources / Université de Lorraine
- Michel Cathelineau, CREGU-GeoRessources / Université de Lorraine
CREGU/ Georessources/ University of Lorraine
- Alexy Elias-Bahnan (PhD)
supervisors: Jacques Pironon, Cédric Carpentier - Jessica Strydom (PhD Student)
supervisors: Jérôme Sterpenich, Dragan Grgic - Dimitri Laurent (Post-Doc)
supervisors: Cédric Carpentier, Pauline Collon, Christophe Durlet (Univ Dijon) - Benoit Quesnel (Post-Doc)
supervisors: Michel Cathelineau, Marie-Christine Boiron - Dimitrios Rallakis (Post-Doc)
supervisors: Raymond Michels
UPPA (Univ Pau)
- Geoffrey Motte (PhD Student)
supervisors: Jean-Paul Callot, Guilhem Hoareau - Guillaume Barré (Post-Doc)
supervisors: Guilhem Hoareau, Jean-Paul Callot - Bruno Leclère (PhD Student)
supervisors: David Grégoire, Hannelore Derluyn, Jean-Paul Callot
Univ Montpellier
- Camille Tichadou (PhD Student)
supervisors: Marguerite Godard, Manuel Munoz
Univ Lyon 1
- Samuel Barbier (PhD Student)
supervisors: Muriel Andreani, Isabelle Daniel
Univ Grenoble Alpes
- Nicolas Lefeuvre (PhD Student)
supervisors: Laurent Truche, Frédéric Donzé
- Collaboration: Joachim Trémosa / Hélène Gailhanou / Frédéric Gal

Fluids team, Iraty workshop, 2019
Native H2 exploration in the western Pyrenean foothills.
Native H2 exploration in the western Pyrenean foothills.
Lefeuvre, N., Truche, L., Donzé, F.-V., Ducoux, M., Barré, G., Fakoury, R.-A., Calassou, S. and Gaucher, E.C. (2021) Native H2 Exploration in the Western Pyrenean Foothills. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 22, e2021GC009917. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GC009917
keywords: Soil gas mapping for H2 targeting, Fertile area for H2 production, migration, Multiple gas analysis
The diagenetic history of the giant Lacq gas field, witness to the apto-albian rifting and the Pyrenean orogeny, revealed by fluid and basin modeling.
The diagenetic history of the giant Lacq gas field, witness to the apto-albian rifting and the Pyrenean orogeny, revealed by fluid and basin modeling.
Elias Bahnan, A., Pironon, J., Carpentier, C., Barré, G. and Gaucher, E.C. (2021) The diagenetic history of the giant Lacq gas field, witness to the apto-albian rifting and the Pyrenean orogeny, revealed by fluid and basin modeling. Marine and Petroleum Geology 133, 105250.
keywords: Lacq petroleum system, Aquitaine basin, Fluid inclusion modeling, Basin modeling, Sulfur-rich fluid system, TSR
Epigenic vs. hypogenic speleogenesis governed by H2S/CO2 hydrothermal input and Quaternary icefield dynamics (NE French Pyrenees).
Epigenic vs. hypogenic speleogenesis governed by H2S/CO2 hydrothermal input and Quaternary icefield dynamics (NE French Pyrenees).
Dimitri Laurent, Christophe Durlet, Guillaume Barré, Patrick Sorriaux, Philippe Audra, Pierre Cartigny, Cédric Carpentier, Guillaume Paris, Pauline Collon, Thomas Rigaudier, Jacques Pironon, Eric C. Gaucher. Epigenic vs. hypogenic speleogenesis governed by H2S/CO2 hydrothermal input and Quaternary icefield dynamics (NE French Pyrenees). Geomorphology 387 (2021) 107769
keywords: Hypogenic sulfuric and carbonic acid, speleogenesis, Multiple sulfur isotopes, Thermal water geochemistry, Pyrenees
Migration of Natural Hydrogen from Deep-Seated Sources in the São Francisco Basin, Brazil.
Migration of Natural Hydrogen from Deep-Seated Sources in the São Francisco Basin, Brazil.
Frédéric-Victor Donzé, Laurent Truche, Parisa Shekari Namin, Nicolas Lefeuvre and Elena F. Bazarkina. Migration of Natural Hydrogen from Deep-Seated Sources in the São Francisco Basin, Brazil. Geosciences 2020, 10(9), 346
keywords: native hydrogen; H2 exploration; gas seeps; H2 venting; radiolysis; serpentinization; draining faults; intra-cratonic basin
Synsedimentary to early diagenetic rejuvenation of barite-sulfides ore deposits: Example of the Triassic intrakarstic mineralization in the Lodève basin (France)
Synsedimentary to early diagenetic rejuvenation of barite-sulfides ore deposits: Example of the Triassic intrakarstic mineralization in the Lodève basin (France).
Laurent, D., Lopez, M., Combes, P.-J., Guerrot, C., Spangenberg, J. E. & Gaucher, E. C.(2020) Synsedimentary to early diagenetic rejuvenation of barite-sulfides ore deposits: Example of the Triassic intrakarstic mineralization in the Lodève basin (France). Marine and Petroleum Geology 119.
keywords: Karst, Ore deposit, Diagenetic barite, Playa lake, Sulfate reduction, Fluid inclusions, Sulfur and strontium isotopes
Rift and salt-related multi-phased dolomitization: example from the northwestern Pyrenees.
Rift and salt-related multi-phased dolomitization: example from the northwestern Pyrenees.
Motte, G., Hoareau, G., Callot, J.-P., Révillon, S., Piccoli, F., Calassou, S., Gaucher, E.C., Rift and salt-related multi-phased dolomitization: example from the northwestern Pyrenees, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 126-2021,
keywords: Carbonate diagenesis, Dolomite, Breccias, Hydrothermalism, U–Pb dating, Hyperextension, Salt tectonics, Jurassic
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.104932
A review of H2, CH4, and hydrocarbon formation in experimental serpentinization using network analysis.
A review of H2, CH4 and hydrocarbon formation in experimental serpentinization using network analysis.
Barbier, S., Huang, F., Andreani, M., Tao, R., Hao, J., Eleish, A., Prabhu, A., Minhas, O., Fontaine, K., Fox, P. & Daniel, I. (2020). A review of H2, CH4, and hydrocarbon formation in experimental serpentinization using network analysis. Frontiers in Earth Science.. Deep Carbon Science special issue. 16 June 2020.
keywords: experimental serpentinization, hydrothermal, abiotic hydrogen, methane, data and network analysis
Impact of geodynamics on fluid circulation and diagenesis of carbonate reservoirs in a foreland basin: Example of the Upper Lacq reservoir (Aquitaine basin, SW France).
Impact of geodynamics on fluid circulation and diagenesis of carbonate reservoirs in a foreland basin: Example of the Upper Lacq reservoir (Aquitaine basin, SW France).
Elias Bahnan, A., Carpentier, C., Pironon, J., Ford, M., Ducoux, M., Barré, G., Mangenot, X., Gaucher, E.C. (2020). Impact of geodynamics on fluid circulation and diagenesis of carbonate reservoirs in a foreland basin: Example of the Upper Lacq reservoir (Aquitaine basin, SW France), Marine and Petroleum Geology (2019).
keywords:Carbonate diagenesis, Pyrenees, Aquitaine foreland basin, Upper Lacq reservoirs, Fluid inclusions, Basin modeling, Dolomitization, Hydrothermal fluids
Direct U-Pb dating of carbonates from micron scale fsLA-ICPMS images using robust regression.
Direct U-Pb dating of carbonates from micron scale fsLA-ICPMS images using robust regression.
Hoareau, G. Claverie, F., Pecheyran, C., Paroissin, C. Grignard, P-A., Motte, G., Chailan, O., Girard, J-P. Direct U-Pb dating of carbonates from micron scale fsLA-ICPMS images using robust regression. Geochronology, 3, 67–87, 2021
keywords: U-Pb dating, Carbonates
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/gchron-3-67-2021
Micro-scale chemical and physical patterns in an interface of hydrothermal dolomitization reveals the governing transport mechanisms in nature: case of the Layens anticline, Pyrenees, France.
Micro-scale chemical and physical patterns in an interface of hydrothermal dolomitization reveals the governing transport mechanisms in nature: case of the Layens anticline, Pyrenees, France.
Centrella, S., Beaudoin, N.E., Derluyn, H., Motte, G., Lanari, P., Piccoli, F., Pecheyran, C., Callot, J.-P., (2020). Micro-scale chemical and physical patterns in an interface of hydrothermal dolomitization reveals the governing transport mechanisms in nature: case of the Layens anticline, Pyrenees, France. Sedimentology
keywords: Dolomitization, fluid–rock interaction, porosity, replacement, trace element
New Perspectives in the Industrial Exploration for Native Hydrogen
New Perspectives in the Industrial Exploration for Native Hydrogen
Gaucher, E. C. (2020) New Perspectives in the Industrial Exploration for Native Hydrogen. Elements 16, 8–9.
keywords: Native Hydrogen, Exploration
Dataset for H2, CH4 and organic compounds formation during experimental serpentinization
Dataset for H2, CH4 and organic compounds formation during experimental serpentinization
Huang, F., Barbier, S., Tao, R., Hao, J., Garcia del Real, P., Peuble, S., Merdith, A., Leichnig, V., Perrillat, J-P., Fontaine, K., Fox, P., Andreani, M. & Daniel, I. (2020). Dataset for H2, CH4 and organic compounds formation during experimental serpentinization. Geosci. Data J.. Special issue DCO. 3 September 2020;
keywords: abiotic hydrogen, abiotic methane, experimental serpentinization, hydrothermal
Quaternary tectonic and climate changes at the origin of travertine and calcrete in the eastern Betics (Almería region, SE Spain).
Quaternary tectonic and climate changes at the origin of travertine and calcrete in the eastern Betics (Almería region, SE Spain).
Larrey, M., Mouthereau, F., Masini, E., Huyghe, D., Gaucher, E. C., Virgone, A. & Miegebielle, V. (2020) Quaternary tectonic and climate changes at the origin of travertine and calcrete in the eastern Betics (Almería region, SE Spain). Journal of the Geological Society, jgs2020-025.
keywords: eastern Betics, travertine, Calcrete, Hydrothermal Fluids, Tectonic
Effects of smectite dehydration and illitisation on overpressures in sedimentary basins: A coupled chemical and thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling approach.
Effects of smectite dehydration and illitisation on overpressures in sedimentary basins: A coupled chemical and thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling approach.
Tremosa, J., Gailhanou, H., Chiaberge, C., Castilla, R., Gaucher, E.C., Lassin, A., Gout, C., Fialips, C. & Claret, F. (2020). Effects of smectite dehydration and illitisation on overpressures in sedimentary basins: A coupled chemical and thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling approach, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2019).
keywords: overpressure, smectite, dehydration, fluid generation,
fluid pressure, THMC, Niger Delta
Hydrothermal fluid circulations in the western Pyrenees: new data on stable isotopes, in-situ gas analysis and fluid inclusions.
Hydrothermal fluid circulations in the western Pyrenees: new data on stable isotopes, in-situ gas analysis and fluid inclusions.
Barré, G., Elias Bahnan, A., Motte, G., Ducoux, M., Hoareau, G., Laurent, D., Gaucher, E.C. (2019) Hydrothermal fluid circulations in the western Pyrenees: new data on stable isotopes, in-situ gas analysis and fluid inclusions. E3S Web. Conf. 98, 4.
keywords: Hydrothermal circulation, Western Pyrenees, H2S
Thermodynamic evidence of giant salt deposit formation by serpentinization: an alternative mechanism to solar evaporation.
Thermodynamic evidence of giant salt deposit formation by serpentinization: an alternative mechanism to solar evaporation.
Debure, M., Lassin, A., Marty, N. C., Claret, F., Virgone, A., Calassou, S. & Gaucher, E. C. (2019). Thermodynamic evidence of giant salt deposit formation by serpentinization: an alternative mechanism to solar evaporation. Sci Rep 9, 11720.
keywords: Salt Deposit, Serpentinization, Evaporites
PhD Thesis: Fluid circulation and diagenesis of the Lacq Petroleum System : Impact of the geodynamic evolution
PhD Thesis: Fluid circulation and diagenesis of the Lacq Petroleum System : Impact of the geodynamic evolution
Elias Bahnan, A. (2019). Fluid circulation and diagenesis of the Lacq Petroleum System : Impact of the geodynamic evolution. Geosciences. Université de Lorraine.
keywords: Petrography, Geochemistry, Carbonate diagenesis, Fluid inclusions, Basin modeling
DOI: https://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/DDOC_T_2019_0221_ELIAS_BAHNAN.pdf
Nature and Origin of Mineralizing Fluids in Hyperextensional Systems: The Case of Cretaceous Mg Metasomatism in the Pyrenees
Nature and Origin of Mineralizing Fluids in Hyperextensional Systems: The Case of Cretaceous Mg Metasomatism in the Pyrenees
Quesnel, B., Boiron, M.-C., Cathelineau, M., Truche, L., Rigaudier, T., Bardoux, G., Agrinier, P., de Saint Blanquat, M., Masini, E., Gaucher, E. C. (2019) Nature and origin of mineralizing fluids in hyperextensional systems: The case of cretaceous Mg metasomatism in the Pyrenees. Geofluids.
keywords: Hydrothermal fluids, central Pyrenees, Talc, Dolomites, Mg-metasomatism
Diagenesis in Mesozoic carbonate rocks in the North Pyrénées (France) from mineralogy and fluid inclusion analysis: Example of Rousse reservoir and caprock.
Diagenesis in Mesozoic carbonate rocks in the North Pyrénées (France) from mineralogy and fluid inclusion analysis: Example of Rousse reservoir and caprock.
Renard, S. & Pironon, Jacques & Sterpenich, Jérôme & Carpentier, Cédric & Lescanne, Marc & Gaucher, Eric. (2018). Diagenesis in Mesozoic carbonate rocks in the North Pyrénées (France) from mineralogy and fluid inclusion analysis: Example of Rousse reservoir and caprock. Chemical Geology.
keywords: Rousse gas field, Diagenesis, Fluid inclusion, Fractured reservoir, Carbonates, Thermobarometry
Cl/Br and δ37Cl evolution in seawater expelled during the compaction of MX-80 smectite.
Cl/Br and δ37Cl evolution in seawater expelled during the compaction of MX-80 smectite.
Strydom, J., Eggenkamp, H., Sterpenich, J., Agrinier, P., Richard, A., Grgic, D., Gaire, P., Mosser-Ruck, R. & Gaucher, E. C. (2019), Cl/Br and δ37Cl evolution in seawater expelled during the compaction of MX-80 smectite. E3S Web of Conferences Volume 98.
keywords: Ultrafiltration, Br concentrations, Compacted clays, Compaction experiments, Diffuse double layers, Stable isotopes
Du nouveau du côté des évaporites.
Du nouveau du côté des évaporites.
Gaucher, E. C., Calassou, S., Virgone, A. & Chaboureau, A.C. (2018) Du nouveau du côté des évaporites. Géosciences 22, 16-18.
keywords: Salt Deposit, Serpentinization, Evaporites