Origin of gases exhaled by structural accidents in southern Aquitaine
Laurent Truche – Université Grenoble Alpes
Frédéric Donzé – Université Grenoble Alpes
Eric Gaucher – Total, CSTJF, Pau
Major Results
Hydrogen targeting using soil gas analysis (H2, CO2, CH4, Rn, He) shows a non-random distribution. All high values are located near the North Pyrenean Frontal Thrust (NPFT)
Summary (pitch) of the most important result(s) derived from your thesis/post-doc work.
Natural hydrogen (H2) seepages may represent a new promising source of energy for a low carbon society. Numerous geological evidences of natural H2 seepages and accumulation are now well identified, but our knowledge of hydrogen behavior in the crust is so limited that it is not yet possible to consider exploitation of this resource. To date, there is neither exploration strategy nor any resource assessment, as practical guidelines for hydrogen targeting are missing. Here, we lay the foundation of a new targeting approach dedicated to H2 exploration, using the Pyrenean orogenic belt and its northern foreland basin as a playground. This latter geological setting represents a promising framework to investigate a potential H2 system, as all the conditions for H2 generation, migration/drainage are gathered. Geophysical data indicate the presence of a massive mantle body at shallow crustal level ( < 10 km depth) below the Mauleon Bassin. This mantle body is connected to the surface by two major faults : North Pyrenean Frontal Thrust (NPFT) to the north and North Pyrenean fault (NPF) to the south. >
Native H2 exploration in the western Pyrenean foothills.
Native H2 exploration in the western Pyrenean foothills.
Lefeuvre, N., Truche, L., Donzé, F.-V., Ducoux, M., Barré, G., Fakoury, R.-A., Calassou, S. and Gaucher, E.C. (2021) Native H2 Exploration in the Western Pyrenean Foothills. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 22, e2021GC009917.
keywords: Soil gas mapping for H2 targeting, Fertile area for H2 production, migration, Multiple gas analysis
Migration of Natural Hydrogen from Deep-Seated Sources in the São Francisco Basin, Brazil.
Migration of Natural Hydrogen from Deep-Seated Sources in the São Francisco Basin, Brazil.
Frédéric-Victor Donzé, Laurent Truche, Parisa Shekari Namin, Nicolas Lefeuvre and Elena F. Bazarkina. Migration of Natural Hydrogen from Deep-Seated Sources in the São Francisco Basin, Brazil. Geosciences 2020, 10(9), 346
keywords: native hydrogen; H2 exploration; gas seeps; H2 venting; radiolysis; serpentinization; draining faults; intra-cratonic basin