Block 1: Imaging Orogenic Lithosphere
Present day image of Orogenic Lithosphere
Block 1 – The scientific challenge is to image the present-day orogenic lithosphere using passive imaging methods such as:
- Surface wave tomography
- High-resolution 3-D imaging of seismic anisotropy
- Full waveform inversion of short period tele seismic body waves, joint inversion of seismic and gravity data
- Ambiant noise correlation, higher order correlations of ambient seismic noise (C2 & C3).
This will be done at the W-European scale, orogen scale (Pyrenees & Betics Gilbraltar) and basin scale. Transverse collaborations with geologists of other blocks for detailed geodynamic and geological interpretations.
Block 1 is also in charge of new seismic acquisition: 3 Pyrenean transects and a major 3D passive Seismic experiment, the « Maupasacq » project, which was deployed from March to September 2017 in the Western Pyrenees.
It involved 200 geophone nodes provides by Seismotech, 200 geophone nodes from CSIC Barcelona, and 50 broadband stations from OMP, CSIC and SISMOB, the French national mobile pool.
This passive seismic acquisition aims at unravelling the architecture of the Mauléon and Arzacq basins.
Our team
The research team
Dr. Sébastien Chevrot (OMP, Toulouse, France) is in charge of Block 1.
2 post-doc researchers and 3 PhD Students are dedicated to the block 1 tasks and are hosted by Matthieu Sylvander and Roland Martin in OMP (Toulouse, France), Antonio Villaseñor and Jordi Diaz in CSIC (Barcelona, Spain) and Laurent Stehly in ISTerre (Grenoble, France).
Adnan Bitri from BRGM (Orléans, France), Magali Collin from Total (Pau, France), Nikos Martakis and Katerina Polychronopoulou from Seismotech (Athens, Greece) are also part of Block 1 research team.
PhDs and Post-docs
PhD Thesis: Tomographie des Pyrénées par corrélation de bruit d’ordre supérieur. Application multi-échelle.
PhD Thesis: Tomographie des Pyrénées par corrélation de bruit d’ordre supérieur. Application multi-échelle.
Jacques Brives. Tomographie des Pyrénées par corrélation de bruit d’ordre supérieur. Application multi-échelle. Sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers et de l’Environnement, Université Grenoble, Alpes, 2020.
keywords: Sismologie, Tomographie, Pyrénées, Bruit ambiant, Ondes de surface, Maupasacq
PhD Thesis: Imagerie haute résolution des structures lithosphériques par inversion de formes d’ondes P télésismiques courte période
PhD Thesis: Imagerie haute résolution des structures lithosphériques par inversion de formes d’ondes P télésismiques courte période.
Yi Wang. Imagerie haute résolution des structures lithosphériques par inversion de formes d’ondes P télésismiques courte période. Sciences de la terre et des planètes solides, Université de Toulouse. 2017.
keywords: Inversion de forme d’ondes, Tomographie sismique, Imagerie par réseau régional, Ondes P télésismiques, Orogène, Tomographie sismique, Équations d’onde
Probing depth and lateral variations of upper-mantle seismic anisotropy from full-waveform inversion of teleseismic body-waves
Probing depth and lateral variations of upper-mantle seismic anisotropy from full-waveform inversion of teleseismic body-waves
Beller, S. and Chevrot, S. (2020). Probing depth and lateral variations of upper-mantle seismic anisotropy from full-waveform inversion of teleseismic body-waves, Geophysical Journal International, 222, 352-387
keywords: Anisotropy, Full-waveform inversion, Lithosphere, Teleseismic dat
Eikonal tomography from coherent noise surface wave fields extracted by iterative matched filtering – Application to the large-N Maupasacq array
Eikonal tomography from coherent noise surface wave fields extracted by iterative matched filtering – Application to the large-N Maupasacq array
Lehujeur, M., & Chevrot, S. (2020). Eikonal Tomography Using Coherent Surface Waves Extracted From Ambient Noise by Iterative Matched Filtering—Application to the Large-N Maupasacq Array. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125 (6), e2020JB019363.
keywords: eikonal tomography, ambient noise tomography, surface waves, large‐N arrays
On the validity of the eikonal equation for surface-wave phase-velocity tomography
On the validity of the eikonal equation for surface-wave phase-velocity tomography
Lehujeur, M., Chevrot, S. (2020). On the validity of the eikonal equation for surface-wave phase-velocity tomography, Geophysical Journal International , 223(2), Pages 908–914,
keywords: Seismic tomography, Wave propagation, Surface waves, free oscillations
Three dimensional gravity anomaly inversion in the Pyrenees using compressional seismic velocity model as structural similarity constraints.
Three dimensional gravity anomaly inversion in the Pyrenees using compressional seismic velocity model as structural similarity constraints.
Martin, R., Giraud, J., Ogarko, V., Chevrot, S., Beller, S., Gégout, P. & Jessell, M. (2020). Three dimensional gravity anomaly inversion in the Pyrenees using compressional seismic velocity model as structural similarity constraints.Geophysical Journal International, ggaa414.
keywords: Gravity Modelling, Data inversion, Seismic correlation and constraints, Computational geophysics, Numerical modelling
Earthquake-based passive seismic exploration techniques
Earthquake-based passive seismic exploration techniques
Polychronopoulou, K., Lois, A., Martakis, N., Calassou, S., & Draganov, D. (2019). Earthquake-based passive seismic exploration techniques. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2019 (pp. 5393-5397). Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
keywords: passive seismic, local earthquake tomography, reflected-wave passive seismic interferometry
The non-cylindrical crustal architecture of the Pyrenees.
The non-cylindrical crustal architecture of the Pyrenees.
Chevrot, S., Sylvander, M., Diaz, J., Martin, R., Mouthereau, F., Manatschal, G., … & Ruiz, M. (2018). The non-cylindrical crustal architecture of the Pyrenees. Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group, 2018, 8, pp.9591. 10.1038/s41598-018-27889-x
keywords: Seismic, tomography, continental subduction, iberia, rift inheritance
Mapping the crustal structure beneath the eastern Pyrenees
Mapping the crustal structure beneath the eastern Pyrenees
Diaz, J., Vergés, J., Chevrot, S., Antonio-Vigil, A., Ruiz, M., Sylvander, M., & Gallart, J. (2018). Mapping the crustal structure beneath the eastern Pyrenees. Tectonophysics, 744, 296-309.
keywords: Crustal structure beneath eastern Pyrenees, Receiver function stacked sections, Local events modelling, Geological interpretation of the results, Eastward limit of the crustal imbrication
Broadband, short-period or geophone nodes? Quality assessment of Passive Seismic signals acquired during the Maupasacq experiment
Broadband, short-period or geophone nodes? Quality assessment of Passive Seismic signals acquired during the Maupasacq experiment
Polychronopoulou, K., Lois, A., Martakis, N., Chevrot, S., Sylvander, M., Diaz, J., … & Bitri, A. (2018). Broadband, short-period or geophone nodes? Quality assessment of Passive Seismic signals acquired during the Maupasacq experiment. First Break, 36(4), 71-76.
A high-order 3-D spectral-element method for the forward modelling and inversion of gravimetric data—Application to the western Pyrenees
A high-order 3-D spectral-element method for the forward modelling and inversion of gravimetric data—Application to the western Pyrenees
Martin, R., Chevrot, S., Komatitsch, D., Seoane, L., Spangenberg, H., Wang, Y., S., Dufrechou, G., Bonvalot, S., & Bruinsma, S. (2017). A high-order 3-D spectral-element method for the forward modelling and inversion of gravimetric data—Application to the western Pyrenees. Geophysical Journal International, Volume 209, Issue 1, 1 April 2017, Pages 406–424,
keywords: gravity inversion, spectral element, Nafe-Drake, crust structure
Moho topography beneath the Iberian-Western Mediterranean region mapped from controlled-source and natural seismicity surveys.
Moho topography beneath the Iberian-Western Mediterranean region mapped from controlled-source and natural seismicity surveys.
Diaz, J., Gallart, J. & Carbonell, R., 2016. Moho topography beneath the Iberian-Western Mediterranean region mapped from controlled-source and natural seismicity surveys. Tectonophysics, 692, 74-85. Tectonophysics, Volume 692, pp. 74-85
keywords: tomography, Pyrenees, passive seismic
The deep roots of the western Pyrenees revealed by full waveform inversion of teleseismic P waves.
The deep roots of the western Pyrenees revealed by full waveform inversion of teleseismic P waves.
Wang, Y., Chevrot, S., Monteiller, V., Komatitsch, D., Mouthereau, F. & Manatschal, G., et al. (2016). The deep roots of the western Pyrenees revealed by full waveform inversion of teleseismic P waves. Geology, 44(6), 475-478.
keywords: Passive seismic, Iberia, France, crust