Frédéric Mouthereau and Stéphanie Brichau
GET-OMP, Toulouse
Major Results
The Betic Cordillera formed at ca. 50 Ma close to its present position and was reactivated between 20-15 Ma in extension to form part of the Alboran rifted margin. The Flyschs series are sourced from Africa. The horizontal translation of Internal Zones is limited to 200 km in support of delamination models of the Alboran sub-continental mantle.
Tectono‐stratigraphic and thermal evolution of the western Betic flysch: implications for the geodynamics of South Iberian margin and Alboran Domain
Tectono‐stratigraphic and thermal evolution of the western Betic flysch: implications for the geodynamics of South Iberian margin and Alboran Domain
Daudet, M., Mouthereau, F., Brichau, S., Crespo‐Blanc, A., Gautheron, C., Angrand, P. (2020). Tectono‐stratigraphic and thermal evolution of the western Betic flysch: implications for the geodynamics of South Iberian margin and Alboran Domain Tectonics 39(7)
keywords: plate kinematics, Iberia, Mesozoic Cenozoic, subduction, Marocco, Rif
Strain partitioning and exhumation in oblique Taiwan collision: role of rift architecture and plate kinematics
Strain partitioning and exhumation in oblique Taiwan collision: role of rift architecture and plate kinematics
Conand, C., Mouthereau, F., Ganne, J., Lin, A. T. S., Lahfid, A., Daudet, M., … & Bonzani, M. (2020). Strain partitioning and exhumation in oblique Taiwan collision: role of rift architecture and plate kinematics. Tectonics, 39(4).
keywords: Taiwan, oblique collision, strain partitioning, transcurrent deformation, metamorphism, Raman spectroscopy
PhD Thesis: Initiation de l’accrétion continentale dans le domaine bétique.
PhD Thesis: Initiation de l’accrétion continentale dans le domaine bétique.
Daudet, Maxime. Initiation de l’accrétion continentale dans le domaine bétique. Sciences de la terre. Géosciences Environnement Toulouse (GET), UMR 5563. l’Université Toulouse 3 – Paul Sabatier
keywords: Prisme d’accrétion, Bétiques, Thermochronologie basse-température