Juliette RAT
Frédéric Mouthereau and Stéphanie Brichau
GET-OMP, Toulouse
Major Results
The Iberian Chain formed in central Iberia at ca. 60 Ma and recorded exhumation at 35-25 Ma. The transition between extensional events relate to the Altantic and Alpine Tethys is well recorded by LT data. Detrital thermochronology help tracking sediments transport from the time of late Jurassic extension to the last Cenozoic sink.

PhD Thesis: Évolution du contenu détritique sédimentaire au cours d’un cycle orogénique.
PhD Thesis: Évolution du contenu détritique sédimentaire au cours d’un cycle orogénique.
Juliette Rat. Évolution du contenu détritique sédimentaire au cours d’un cycle orogénique. Sciences de la Terre. Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier (UT3 Paul Sabatier), 2019. Français. ⟨tel-02167789
keywords: Ibérie, Thermochronologie, Cycle alpin, Bassin sédimentaire, Sources to Sink
Tectonothermal Evolution of the Cameros Basin: Implications for Tectonics of North Iberia
Tectonothermal Evolution of the Cameros Basin: Implications for Tectonics of North Iberia
Rat, J., Mouthereau, F., Brichau, S., Crémades, A., Bernet, M., Balvay, M., Ganne, J., Lahfid, A., Gautheron, C. (2019). Tectonothermal Evolution of the Cameros Basin: Implications for Tectonics of North Iberia Tectonics 40(3), 327.
keywords: Cameros basin, Iberian‐Europe plate boundary, rift‐collision cycles, Ebro basin, low‐temperature thermochronology, rift thermal imprint