Resolving the Pyrenean vertical movements from InSAR images and coupling with the crustal structure, seismicity and H2 fluid migration
Charlotte Fillon and Sylvain Calassou, Total, CSTJF, Pau
Bertrand Nivière, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
Major Results
Using high-density INterferometric Synthetic-Aperture Radar (InSAR) measurements, we map and quantify for the first time the slow vertical motions of the Central-Western Pyrenees. The distribution of the substantial post-orogenic uplift rates stresses that inherited crustal density contrasts determine the post-orogenic vertical motions and drives the current seismicity.

Relationships between the Pyrenean lithosphere structure, seismicity and the present-day vertical motions.
(a) Map of the Airy isostasy, Moho depth, neotectonic activity and InSAR vertical velocity in the Pyrenees.
(b) Schematic bloc diagram of the Pyrenean neo-tectonics at crustal scale.